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Runner-up's gesture after athlete takes wrong turn just before finishing is a lesson in sportsmanship

To this day, Abel Mutai and Iván Fernández Anaya's cross-country race is remembered for it's winning sportsmanship
UPDATED AUG 16, 2024
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | RUN 4 FFWPU
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | RUN 4 FFWPU

The purpose of events like the Olympics is to instill a strong and unbreakable sense of sportsmanship among athletes and spectators. The experiences one encounters during the practices, trials and competitions truly offer invaluable insight. A cross-country race from 2012 in Navarre has a strong hold on many to this day after runners Iván Fernández Anaya and Abel Mutai had a soul-filling encounter on the tracks, per Fair Play. The duo were competing for the race where they had left behind other runners and were chasing each other for the first place. Many recall the race to this day for the vibrant sportsmanship exercised on that day. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels|  RUN 4 FFWPU
Representative Image Source: Pexels | RUN 4 FFWPU

Mutai and Anaya still had a few meters to go before they could arrive at the finish line. Mutai, leading in the first place, followed by Anaya, both delivered an energetic performance as they ran. Moments before Mutai could arrive at the finish line, he somehow got confused with signals and thought he had already completed the race and ran off track, beginning to celebrate. While every other runner and spectator was aware of the blunder, Mutai had no clue and was just getting his breath together.

Representative Image Source: Pexels|  RUN 4 FFWPU
Representative Image Source: Pexels | RUN 4 FFWPU

Instead of going ahead of him and taking advantage of his mistake, Anaya did something spectacular instead. He immediately began shouting in Spanish and tried to signal Mutai to continue the race and rightfully finish the same. With just 10 meters to finish, the Spanish racer could have overtaken Mutai’s win but instead continued signaling and calling out to him. In a video shared by Anaya, it is visible how he even left the track to follow Mutai and get him to finish the race. Mutai managed to cross first but the duo both won something more than a prize at the tournament that day.

Sharing his thoughts, Anaya said, “I did what I had to do. He was the rightful winner. He created a gap that I couldn't have closed if he hadn't made a mistake. As soon as I saw he was stopping, I knew I wasn't going to pass him." Several people applauded Anaya for his just judgment of the situation, including his coach Martín Fiz. "It was a very good gesture of honesty. A gesture of the kind that isn't made anymore. Or rather, of the kind that has never been made. A gesture that I wouldn't have made. I certainly would have taken advantage of it to win,” Fiz remarked. Both runners earned a friend for life in each other and even after a decade are grateful for each other.

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Anaya shared a post last year, marking 11 years of the scenario. He wrote, “Today marks 11 years of one of the days that mark my life. Thanks to everyone for your kindness and for helping to spread great values ​​around the world.” He added, “The most educational tool that I have had has been through sports. There I learned to accept defeat, that someone else is better, to get up after not doing things well, to make an effort to do better.” Inspired by the athlete, @beebee_fat wrote, “Respect in every stride. What a Hero!” @nuhyall added, “You won our hearts and respect forever. You wrote history.” 

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