Student was bullied in school 'for being Jewish'—then unexpected handwritten card restored their faith in 'humanity'

It is a disheartening reality to see a world that expects diversity and authenticity shaming the exact same aspects. The latter comes from the differences in culture, experiences, preferences and lifestyles. Similarly, a student–who goes by u/Miserable_Feedback28 on Reddit–revealed that they were bullied for being Jewish. However, when they were hopeless about humanity and kindness, a stranger stepped in with the most wholesome and tear-jerking handwritten card. It consisted of an uplifting note, as well as, an inclusive creativity that overpowered the bullying and rejection they faced.

While describing it as a “sweet” card, the student noted that they were constantly bullied for their religion. However, this card turned things around. The note read, “Be yourself because everyone else is already taken.” The following contents of the card offered a unique and warm insight that no matter their differences, each person deserves respect and love. “You are worthy, loveable and whole, just as you are in this very moment. The way bullies treat you does not define you. It defines them,” the stranger wrote. Also, the stranger acknowledged the student’s pain and discomfort in being treated differently and shared a comforting hope.

“It might feel hard right now, but remember that you are not alone. There are people who care about you and you have the whole Jewish community standing behind you,” they said. The stranger went one step ahead to use the very same fact the student was bullied with to make it their power. “Jews have a long and proud history of surviving persecution and discrimination. You are part of something beautiful and unbreakable,” they wrote. The conclusion read, “With care and support, ____.” While the message itself was heartwarming, there was also a thoughtfully curated front for the handwritten card.

With a print of Blue Jays covering the page, the title of the card read, “The Great America's Jays.” Each bird was displayed with its unique features and the name and type of the bird beside it. The stranger creatively chucked out the “Jay” and replaced it with “Jew” in every single place. For instance, instead of reading “Brazilian Curl-Crested Jay,” the line read, “Brazilian Curl-crested Jew,” as a way of inclusion and acceptance. The fact that the person made an effort to change the word in every line, all over the card, spoke volumes of their support and love. The student was taken aback by the hard work and thoughtfulness.
“I like humanity and society a little bit more now. People can be nice,” they added in the caption. In a comment, the student added that they would put the card “somewhere I’ll see it every day,” revealing its impact on them. u/AtmosphereAlarming52 said, “This is a really beautiful gesture. It’s rare to experience such a thoughtful and caring response to something as shitty as being bullied. Good for you.” u/Feendios_111 added, “Those were beautiful words. And all very true. It sounds like you have amazing support. Be you and be proud.” u/MaidMarian20 remarked, “Good life lesson, good advice. Wonderful person who wrote this - hope you keep them close to your heart.”