Little girl spots next-door dog from a ‘hole in fence’ and leaves the most adorable handwritten note for neighbor

Children have a different sense of perception that helps them explore the simple beauties of the world. From a flower to a glittery wrapper, kids’ adorable minds can appreciate even the most mundane things. The best part about this is that they’re not afraid to express how they feel about these tiny joys. A user who goes by u/maelysc4084 shared a post on Reddit revealing how a neighbor’s child expressed her appreciation for their dog. The little girl penned a heartfelt note to the neighbors and it has people in awe.

“This got put through my dad’s letterbox today,” the caption of the post read. The adorable note was written in pencil and revealed a simple observation the girl had made. “Hi, I’m the house connected to you,” she began writing. She confessed that she had been peeping through “the hole in your fence” to look at their pet dog. “It’s so cute,” she added. Along with the kind words, she also made an adorable drawing on the sheet for the owner. The drawing consisted of two figures and a dog. While one figure seemed to be petting the dog, the other was standing at a slight distance.

The girl was kind enough to label her drawing so that what she was trying to convey was easily understood. The figure petting the dog was labeled as “Me,” while the dog was labeled as “Your dog.” However, the third figure at a distance had no tag. The girl presumably left it up to the imagination of the neighbor to determine who it could be. Perhaps the owner of the dog, i.e., the neighbor, a stranger or even the girl’s parent? Through the drawing, the girl was ideally trying to extend her request to befriend and be able to play with the dog.

The broken handwriting and the crooked figures really left an impact on the neighbor’s heart, causing them to share it on the internet and people are loving the gesture just as much. Several people commended the girl for her thoughtful note and others suggested the neighbors write back to her or reward her in some way. u/sfearing91 said, “Oh my! It takes so much courage for her to write and deliver it! Please send her a note back with maybe a picture of the dog?? This is too precious!” u/ShapeCurious465 suggested, “A letter from the dog, inviting her over for a playdate!”

u/nextzero182 said, “Knock on the door with the dog and let her pet!!!!! I would let that kid come over to visit the dog any time they want, this is the sweetest note.” u/HugsyBloom remarked, “My heart! This is so cute! Yes, send her a message or let her play with your puppy. Little girls are so sweet and adorable!” Many tried to deconstruct the drawing and share their conclusions. u/nimliid mentioned that the other figure might be the owner and wrote, “The rainbow paper, the depiction of your hair in a bun, kids really notice and appreciate the small details. So sweet.”