Teen stands up for himself after mom forces him to tutor stepsister who bullied him almost every day for 3 years

Bullying within the family is one of the most heart-wrenching realities many people face. However, one must stand up for oneself if they’re being tested—even if it’s against family members. A 17-year-old who goes by u/Beneficial-Shoe1997 on Reddit shared how he stood his ground with his spot-on response when he was asked to help his bully stepsister. The young man was clear that he was setting boundaries and would not break them for anyone.

The boy revealed that he had three stepsiblings — one brother and two sisters. The older sister, Frankie, had been making things hard for him for quite some time. “She took her dad's marriage to my mom out on me. She bullied me for 3 years at my mom's and in school,” he revealed. Despite the parents’ intervention, this issue was persistent and everything was being overlooked for the sake of “making things work.” “Even when Frankie threatened to push me out of the upstairs window, my mom would tell me I needed to be patient, kind and loving and that sometimes siblings struggle with new additions,” the boy wrote.

Things were so disturbing that the teen didn’t have a single day without being tormented by his bully stepsister. “Frankie was physically and emotionally bullying me and she had access to me way more than I wanted her to,” the boy said. She would try careless and rude acts on the boy like “breaking my stuff, threatening me, tripping me up in school, trying to close doors on my hand, locking me out of the house, pouring water on my bed right before my bedtime,” and more. Eventually, the boy was struggling to the point where he couldn’t eat and his health and performance were poor at school.
Eventually, the boy stopped meeting Frankie at his mum’s home and moved to his dad's but would face her at school frequently. His mom one day requested he tutor his stepsister as she was “doing badly” in school and had few chances of graduating. “My mom told me I should help our family and we can try to put ‘the mess’ behind us,” the post read. The boy was enraged by the way his mom casually pushed off such an impactful and disturbing experience. “I told them I would never help Frankie and I would rather die than spend another second with her. I told them not to bother me with that sh*t again,” he confidently said.

He put his foot down and refused to help. He even blocked his stepfather’s number and made it clear that he had nothing to do with Frankie. People applauded the boy for his confidence, especially in such a fragile setting. u/Immontes said, “Big no to helping your tormentor. You don't owe your mom anything at this point—she did nothing to help when you were being abused.” u/melodicRanger926 added, “Your mom and her husband are totally out of line to be requesting that you help her.” u/Tannim44 remarked, “Instead of her sincerely apologizing for what she did to you, her parents are now trying to bully you. Stay safe and far away from all of them.”