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Treasure hunter discovers peculiar jar with a heart-wrenching note buried in the sand on the beach

The person had been casually looking through the sand when they found the container with a touching note in it.
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Suzy Hazelwood
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Suzy Hazelwood

Beaches are one of the few places where people often chance upon mementos owned or lost by strangers. Some are washed up ashore by the waters while others are found buried on the beach. A metal detectorist found something similar one day, per the New York Post. The man mentioned that he had gone to the Oregon beach when he stumbled upon something that moved him deeply. At first, he assumed it to be a trinket but on further analysis, it turned out to be something heartbreaking. u/Leading_Ad9732 shared the post along with images of the heart-wrenching find. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Bas Geerlings
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Bas Geerlings

The man had found a container with a note inside. Elaborating on the same, he explained, “I found this buried 6 inches down on the Oregon coast.” He thought it was some historical or “geocache” item when he came across it, especially due to the note. However, when he read the note, he realized it was something sentimental. It was from a "grieving mother" for her late son. The note read, “These are the ashes of my son.” Along with the boy’s name, there were also the dates of his birth and passing. The teenage boy’s ashes had been placed somewhere on the beach along with the note by his mom.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Ron Lach
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Ron Lach

The note further read, “If found, please be respectful and put them back. Thank you, a grieving mother.” The man revealed that the mother might have spread the ashes across the favorite spots of the teen. “Based on the amount of ashes, I’m guessing there’s a few more of these out there in more of his favorite places,” the post read. The request of the mother was respected and the ashes were put back where the person found them. However, the discovery moved people to tears. Several empathized with the mother and sent condolences and words of encouragement. 

Representative Cover Source: Pexels| Rahime Gül
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Rahime Gül

u/ahhhflip wrote, “Lost our 10-year-old daughter two years ago. Can confirm, life sucks after in just about every way. This find is pretty cool though, I can appreciate what this mom did.” u/soup-creature added, “My friend passed away a couple years ago, and I regularly reach out to her mom. That sh*t wrecked me, I still can’t wrap my head around how she must feel.” A few comments reported that the teen was around 19 or 20 at the time of his passing.

u/andersont1983 commented about the difference in the year and age saying, “Someone maybe rewrote the note because it looks fresh. Maybe it was hard to read and they did their best to rewrite it and put it back.” Others even lit candles and sent as much support as possible through prayers. u/Aggravating_Anybody added, “I think this is one of the very few cool things about social media, because we all, who have seen this post, now know that this son was truly loved by his mother.” u/Swelchel333 wrote, “Everyone commenting on that obituary like that is so heartwarming. Rest in Peace, Steven.”

Image Source: Reddit|u/Immediate_Mud6547
Image Source: Reddit|u/Immediate_Mud6547
Image Source: Reddit|u/The_Original_Gronie
Image Source: Reddit|u/The_Original_Groknie