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Vet reveals 4 major tell-tale signs your dog loves you more than their other owner

The vet explained that if a person observes their pets' behavior closely, it can reveal a lot about how they feel toward the person.
(L) Man playing with his large dog. (R) Couple playing with their pet dog. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Luna Lovegood; Nicolle Kreisch)
(L) Man playing with his large dog. (R) Couple playing with their pet dog. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Luna Lovegood; Nicolle Kreisch)

Getting a pet dog's approval might mean a lot to an animal lover, especially if the person shares them with multiple people in a house or family. Also, when different duties related to the pet are divided among the family members, it becomes a complex fight to become your pet's favorite person. Now, everyone in the house might be vying for the pet's attention and time or looking for signs to know if the furry friend likes them or not. It might not be evident, but according to a veterinarian, there are four tell-tale signs that you are your dog's favorite person, reported Diply.

A dog standing on its hind legs. Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay
A dog standing on its hind legs. Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

Many people might think that the person who gives the pet the most treats and spends the most time with them would become their favorite. But that might not be necessarily true, as per the outlet. Dr. James Greenwood from The Pet Show explained that closer attention to your pet and their reactions might spell out if you are their favorite person or not. The doctor pointed out that observing your dog's body language, especially their tail, can reveal a lot about what they think of a person because that's how a dog expresses its emotions. He went on and emphasize that the person should closely look at a dog's reaction when they come back home from outdoors.

If the dog wags their whole body and its tail, they might be excited to see that person. Now, if the tail wags in helicopter motion, it might showcase that the dog is simply ecstatic to see that person. An owner can also observe who the pet runs to first when some people in the house come back home at the same time. Another sign that your dog loves you is that they jump on you, lick you, or bring you a toy. All of these mean that you are really special to your dog and they look forward to having you around.

Receiving endless snuggles from a pet might be something that many people love and adore. However, it can also be a sign that your pet loves you a lot. So, if a pet tends to snuggle with one person the most, it is likely that the person might be their favorite among everyone in the house. If your dog looks for you around the house, that could also show that they like you and want to be around you the most. As per Dr. Greenwood, if a pet seeks a person without being called, it might mean that they trust the person and feel safe in their company. Hence, they might look for the person often.

There are also ways in which a person can improve their bond with their pet, as per MSN. "A daily walk is essential; dogs love to use their senses to smell and explore and need to burn off their calories by exercising. I would also suggest setting up an obstacle course and giving them puzzle feeders to get them thinking and problem-solving," Dr. Greenwood advised. "Food is also a big motivator for dogs and you can use that to your advantage when training by using treats as rewards for good behavior."