Woman asked for ‘survival tips’ and strangers understood the assignment — the responses are surreal

It is very crucial for a person to know how to get out of emergencies in life. Sometimes, people have family and friends to teach them life lessons but not everyone is that fortunate. In such situations, strangers gladly step up to offer help, assuring our faith in humanity. When a woman turned to X to ask people for "survival tips," they not only provided tips to survive in an emergency but also to survive in life. Any person might benefit from the tips given in response to @akreana_'s question. Bonus — they might get a good laugh out of it.

The tips range from savings to health benefits. A user wrote wrote, "Don’t overspend. Don't spend to please others. Don't be too generous. Drink water and mind your own business. Never overestimate your importance in anyone’s life. I know you said 'tip,' but that constitutes a tip in one." Couldn't agree more! @hd_kuypers commented, "If you hate your job, work on your ambitions so your ambitions become your job. You can't hate something you love." One shared a tip to deal with peer pressure. @ThaBestWay remarked, "Once you have already made up your mind to stay in for the night, stay in. If someone calls you and tries to get you to go out, don’t change your mind."
Don’t get wet in a cold environment and if you do get dry fast.
— Pigeon Enjoyer (@PigeonEnjoyer69) January 28, 2025
Many shared advice on what to do when life seems unbearable. @SP_S05 shared, "Life isn’t about avoiding storms, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain. Adapt, stay grounded and trust that every challenge is a stepping stone to something greater." One came forward with a tip for when a person gets lost. @XxJulieAnnX suggested, "Learn how to make a fire without matches or a lighter…If you’re lost in the middle of winter (where it is cold)... It can be life or death. Also, look for animal prints, like deer, and follow them. They need water too. So, the prints can most likely lead you to a water source. (Or a food source like the deer itself. And since you know how to start a fire without a 'fire source,' you’re good to go.) Always... Always have a Swiss Army (or something similar) knife with you."
Be wary of your surroundings. Mind your business.
— DenimNoir (@DenimNoir) January 27, 2025
Don't stress about things, just go for the jugular 💪.
— Legal Soul. (@Nyowe69) January 21, 2025
Hard work wins mates! pic.twitter.com/aryyyrjmCc
@misskerrybaby7 shared what to do if you are in a secluded place. They explained, "If you are walking alone in an unfamiliar, dark or secluded place hold your keys in your hand. If someone tries to attack you, plunge it straight into their eyeball. You will have time to escape and they will be easy to identify later." @DrDronezChannel pointed out, "Practice situational awareness...I've avoided more situations than I can count...I love when people go, 'You'll never believe what happened after you left' and I get to respond, 'Oh yes I would, why do you think I left?'"
Always fight to live! Never give up. Never accept defeat!
— Lord Muzan🇿🇦 (@iNkosi_uCamagu) January 27, 2025
@MogaleMo163508 expressed, "Be yourself at all times, don’t pretend to be anyone else and make money and make it work for you…You’ll spoil yourself later and eat as much as you want." @CXDYXLLXN came up with a road safety tip, "Look both ways before crossing the street no matter how safe you feel. I have just seen a video of a full adult getting wrecked so...guess it needs to be said." Another user wrote, "Believe in yourself. If it has nothing to do with you, don't interfere. If you do wrong, apologize. Respect, respect your job. Put family first. Don't be all over the place. STAY IN YOUR LANE."
The lesser the people know about it, the better 🫂
— a.xe_tkg 👽 (@Profesor_Axe) January 19, 2025