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Woman asks if she was right to tell plus-size woman 'I love being skinny' — the internet likes her response

The woman made the comment in response to a repetitive insulting remark and after learning about the situation, people applauded her words.
(L) Skinny woman seated in frustration. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Antoni Shkraba), (R) Plus-sized woman talking and laughing. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by John Diez)
(L) Skinny woman seated in frustration. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Antoni Shkraba), (R) Plus-sized woman talking and laughing. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by John Diez)

People are diverse and are called to embrace one another's differences. When it comes to body types and other delicate topics, the comments we make should be inclusive and uplifting. It is necessary to be mindful of what we say to a person of a different physique. A woman who goes by u/Heavenstobestie shared a post revealing that she stated that she “loved being skinny,” in response to a plus-sized woman’s comment. While she pondered whether her words were rude, many analyzed her situation and supported the response she gave. 

Skinny woman feeling insecure and upset. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Olha Ruskykh)
Skinny woman feeling insecure and upset. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Olha Ruskykh)

The woman recalled “dreading” her friend’s birthday party every year. The reason was that she couldn’t fit in with the others but respected her friend and showed up anyway. “She has one friend, let's call her Amanda, who without fail has to comment on my weight every single time she sees me,” the post read. The remarks made by Amanda were harsh and brutal. She’d say things like, "You're so skinny!,” “Do you even eat?” “Does your boyfriend care that you don't have curves?” “Your legs are like sticks!” and so on. As a guest, the woman tried to ignore her body-shaming but mentioned that “she's touching on my worst insecurities and it makes me dread going to these parties every year.” 

Plus-sized woman gossiping about others at party. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Sofia Shultz)
Plus-sized woman gossiping about others at party. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Sofia Shultz)

Things got so upsetting that she decided not to go to the party in the coming year. She brought up the situation with her mum, who had an interesting suggestion to offer. “She suggested I pretend she's giving me a compliment,” the woman recalled. The mom said, “If Amanda says you're so skinny,  just smile and say, 'Thanks! I love being skinny.’ And if she looks disappointed at your response, you'll have proven she was trying to insult you.” The woman didn’t mind the idea but forgot to mention that Amanda was overweight. She didn’t realize at the time that the comment could sound insulting. When the day of the party arrived, she showed up and conversed with the group as usual.

Woman speaking with plus-sized woman.(Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by John Diez)
Woman speaking with plus-sized woman.(Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by John Diez)

“Amanda immediately looks at my arms and comments on how tiny they are. I ignored this comment. Later on, we were standing in a group together and she was eyeing me up and down. She chuckled to herself and said, ‘God, you're so skinny,’” the post explained. Refusing to put up with it, the woman replied, "Thanks. I love being skinny.” Amanda was immediately offended and “slapped” her and left in tears. Things didn’t go well and the woman had to leave the party. What made it worse was that people, including her friend, looked down on her for her comment. “She thinks that even though Amanda shouldn't have slapped me, I was insensitive for saying that to a plus-size person,” the post explained. 

This time, the woman stood her ground and noted, “I argued that Amanda has been consistently insensitive to me at every party. And I didn't comment on her body, only my own.” The internet seemed to have her back for taking a stand for herself. u/Catfish1960 remarked, “Amanda is a bully and didn't like that she didn't get the expected reaction.” u/PlayRosita said, “Why is it not okay for someone to comment on how overweight someone is, but the same doesn’t go for being thin? Go and have yourself a huge piece of cake and laugh about how you won’t gain a pound!”

Image Source: Reddit|u/Bakecrazy
Image Source: Reddit|u/Bakecrazy
Image Source: Reddit|u/ej_v
Image Source: Reddit|u/ej_v