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Woman constantly disturbed by loud neighbors was told she would ‘get used to it’ — she had a sassy response

The neighbors were being negligent and careless and the woman decided to put a stop to it
(L) Woman's sleep disturbed by loud noise. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Kampus Production), (R) Children playing and screaming. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by RDNE Stock Project)
(L) Woman's sleep disturbed by loud noise. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Kampus Production), (R) Children playing and screaming. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by RDNE Stock Project)

The last thing you want after working a night shift is to have any kind of sound disturbing your invaluable sleep. Noisy neighbors are a dilemma to many. While disturbances are part and parcel of living in a community, when neighbors become reluctant and negligent towards basic courtesy and etiquette, action needs to be taken. A woman who goes by u/SpecialShake6702 on Reddit revealed that when her sleep was mindlessly disturbed by a neighbor’s noisy kids, she had the best way to respond. No fights, no arguments, no swearing and untoward instances, just a simple yet sassy reaction. 

Woman waking up after getting disturbed by loud noise. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Andrea Piacquadio)
Woman waking up after getting disturbed by loud noise. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Andrea Piacquadio)

The woman mentioned that she works night shifts and is naturally asleep every morning. “My neighbors right next door have three little kids who scream and play and bang in the backyard,” she wrote. Mentioning that all of this takes place “at 7 in the morning every single day,” she was beyond frustrated with their behavior. The kids did everything in their power to create a ruckus. “I mean talking, yelling, running, loud toys, pounding, whatever they can do to make noise,” she remarked. She tried to be considerate about the fact that they were kids. However, having the same problem repeatedly, even on weekends, to the point where it became a pattern, was upsetting. 

Kids playing and running around while making noise. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva)
Kids playing and running around while making noise. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva)

As a neighbor, she initially did what any resident would do. “I nicely mentioned it to my neighbor a few weeks ago,” the post read. However, the mom didn’t even acknowledge that her kids were the problem, nor did she mention that she’d try to tone it down. She made no mention of negotiation whatsoever and it was testing the woman’s patience. “She laughed and said, ‘Oh, they’re early risers! You’ll get used to it.’ No apology, no effort to quiet them down,” the post explained. Baffled by the lack of basic courtesy, the woman knew she had to take matters into her own hands. She devised a creative way to respond to the careless mom. 

Woman using machine to mow land. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Magic K.)
Woman using machine to mow land. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Magic K.)

The woman decided to give her neighbors a taste of their own medicine in the most ironic way possible. “The other day, I set my alarm for 6 am and mowed my lawn. Right up against their yard. Then I used my leaf blower for an added punch,” she wrote. As expected, the mom was distressed and agitated. “The neighbor came outside in her jammies all pissed off. ‘Why are you being so inconsiderate?’ she said.” The woman expected the reaction from the mom and was all prepared. “I smiled and said, ‘Oh, I’m an early riser! You’ll get used to it,'" she wrote.

Image Source: Reddit|u/chubsizzle
Image Source: Reddit|u/chubsizzle

Image Source: Reddit|u/TulsaOUfan
Image Source: Reddit|u/TulsaOUfan

She concluded the post by saying that kids need to learn to be considerate too and that the neighbor needed a “taste of their own medicine.” People supported the woman and agreed with her reaction to the mom’s careless response. u/PortiaPotty2 said, “I love it! You even used her own words.” u/NOLACenturion added, “ You did handle it like an adult. If you weren’t an adult, you’d throw a brick through their window at 3 am.” u/Houlichick remarked, “Love it. No actual damage was done and you said exactly what she said to you back to her. Well executed.”