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Woman gets sexist response from boss after applying for landscaping job — she shuts him down brilliantly

The woman was questioned about her potential solely because of her gender and she didn't let it go.
(L) Confident female in uniform, showing her muscles. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by zamrznutitonovi) (R) Manager shocked after reading email on laptop. (Represenative Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by skynesher)
(L) Confident female in uniform, showing her muscles. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by zamrznutitonovi) (R) Manager shocked after reading email on laptop. (Represenative Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by skynesher)

Being in the 21st century, there is no doubting what a woman can or cannot do. Having taken on several strenuous roles as men, women are now equally sharing the load. There is no type of job that women are not willing to try, each depending on their vivid skill sets. However, some absurdly judgmental managers and superiors are still bent on the outdated idea that certain jobs are not for women. When a woman was questioned about a landscaping job she applied for solely because of her gender, she had a mic-drop response to render. u/Usul_Atreides revealed that her sister had received a reply from the recruiters that questioned her strength capability for the job because she was a woman but she shut them down with an epic response.

Portrait of female farm worker putting on gloves on white background. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by F.J. Jimenez)
Portrait of female farm worker putting on gloves on white background. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by F.J. Jimenez)

Sharing an image of the email her sister received, it read, “Thank you for your interest in the position and contacting me. The position is still open. However, unless you are a bodybuilder, I fear that you will not be able to handle the workload.” The manager named Mark, who wrote the email, also added, “It is very physical and demanding as we are a hard landscaping company.” He further suggested the woman contact him only if she was “up for it.” Understanding that her potential was being judged based on her gender and not her skills, the woman put the manager in his place. Addressing her reply to “Muscle Mark,” she hit him with sassy facts and it was spot-on. “Funnily enough, I probably have just as much experience in bodybuilding as you do, which I'm guessing is none,” the woman wrote.

Shocked businessman looking at laptop on table in office (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Westend61)
Shocked businessman looking at laptop on table in office (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Westend61)

She added that her experience and skills, which actually should be considered for the job, were well-aligned with the position, making her an ideal candidate. “What I do have is years of experience landscaping and also building retaining walls in 40-degree heat as I did this for many years while I lived in Australia,” she mentioned. She also pointed out that she had done research on the company and that the “demanding” work wasn’t anything much. “It would be no more challenging than the work I have completed before as it was to a much higher standard than the work I've seen your ‘company’ produce,” she added. Ending her mail, the applicant boldly called out the man’s bias and refused to work with him.

She blatantly said, “What I do find challenging is working with small-minded individuals such as yourself that I could probably bench press 5 minutes after being woken up from a 3-year coma, therefore, I am no longer interested in this position.” Having given him a piece of her mind with nothing but facts, the woman ended the email saying, “I'm sure you will have no problem finding the correct individual at your next visit to the bodybuilding convention. Kind regards, Charlotte (AKA not the bodybuilder)” Mark's reaction was surely one to die for but even fellow users were stumped with the top-notch response. u/burningxmaslogs wrote, “Where I live, at least 30% of landscaping crews are women. Mark must live in the Middle Ages.” u/AusCan5312 remarked, “Good for her.  Straightforwardness for the win!”

byu/Usul_Atreides from discussion


byu/Usul_Atreides from discussion


This article originally appeared 3 months ago.