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Woman has iconic response after date told her to 'look pretty' and not 'like a goth witch'

The man issued an unusual request even before they could even meet on the date, so the woman put him in his place.
UPDATED AUG 24, 2024
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Anna Avilova
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Anna Avilova

First dates are often awkward but people are encouraged to be themselves. Despite the need to make an impression, it is recommended that people prioritize being who they are and see how things unfold. A woman named Megan Elizabeth (@notmeganelizabeth1016) had an unusual first date experience after a man cautioned her about her appearance and dress. The woman had matched with the man on Tinder and the duo decided to go out on a date. But he had a problem with her fashion choices. So, he issued an unusual request before they could even meet. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio

Elizabeth's date requested her to dress nicely in a rather rude and careless manner. He wrote, “Please look pretty and don’t show up looking like a goth or something. I don’t like that.” The woman was taken aback by the man’s indecent way of texting and had a brilliant idea. She shared the video of herself getting ready and doing her makeup routine. “What a strange thing to say but what do you even expect from Tinder, right?” she wrote. The woman filmed herself getting ready and she did exactly the opposite of what the man asked. She took the man’s rude message and completely turned it around in the most savage manner. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Karolina Kaboompics
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Karolina Kaboompics

She put on dark eyeshadow covering her eyelids and above and even donned a glossy, bold, black lipstick. Elizabeth had made up her mind on what her fashion theme for the date would be - goth. “I decided to get ready and do the exact opposite of what he asked me because I do what I want,” the woman added. With dark and thick eyebrows, red hair, and black clothes, the woman went all out to represent a bold gothic style. She looked fierce, sassy and confident in her outfit and had no regrets. “Good thing I don’t give a f**k if he thinks I’m pretty,” Elizabeth exclaimed. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Marta Branco
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Marta Branco

She added that she had no problem carrying on the date by herself and would gladly do so rather than date a self-composed and rude man. “I’ll buy my own Asiago cheese bagel and listen to slipknot in a booth by myself,” she remarked. People applauded her for her bold move and for standing up for herself. Many even complimented her for her confidence and beauty. @soflachich wrote, "With black makeup or no makeup, you look gorgeous. Keep doing what you want!" @patticakeinparadise added, "Don't let anyone tell you not to be yourself." @bsr_257exclaimed, "I've got to say you look amazing, no matter what you wear." 

Image Source: TikTok|
Image Source: TikTok |

Image Source: TikTok| @kerrylea70
Image Source: TikTok | @kerrylea70

Several people criticized the man for his disrespectful behavior. @leahhhbean remarked, "I hope his feelings got hurt with that one. Thank you for being amazing!" @soulleveluniversal added, "I would have told him not to bother, I don't like meeting up with a***holes." @fuzzling0586 wrote, "He shouldn't be telling people what to do."

@notmeganelizabeth1016 “Look pretty” 🤦🏼‍♀️ Repost cuz tiktok deleted my old account 🖤 #goth #tinder #dating #onlinedating #witch #fy #foryou ♬ good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo


You can follow Megan Elizabeth (@notmeganelizabeth1016) on TikTok for more content on lifestyle. 

Editor's note: This article was originally published on July 25, 2024. It has since been updated.