Woman receives alarming note about her date from stranger when she returns from bathroom: 'Just no!'

When you’re out on a date, you may miss out on certain observations about the person you are with. However, to our luck, sometimes strangers notice these for the better and if they’re kind enough, approach us to save us from trouble. A woman who goes by @cuteascluck revealed that she was on a date with a man when a stranger approached her for unexpected reasons. She was handed a note while her date was on in a haphazard manner and was stunned to see what was written on it. The woman revealed that it was her third date with the man. She presumably saw things going well for it to have reached the stage. The duo were at a bar and were quite comfortable with each other.

They were engaging in simple PDA (public display of affection), enough for people around to figure that the duo were dating. “He’s coming on strong, like very interested,” the woman recalled. She went to the bathroom and when she got back, another woman approached her. The stranger had been with a different group but the woman hadn’t noticed her until she approached her. “She grabbed my hair and was like, ‘Your hair is so pretty. You’re so beautiful. I just had to stop you. I just wanted to give you this'," she narrated while explaining that the woman sneaked a small piece of paper with something written on it.

@cuteascluck and her date were confused as to why a stranger would hand her a note. As panicked and confused as she was, she opened the piece of paper to see what it said. Before she could get a good look at it, the words “Just No” in a huge font caught her eye. “I don’t want to see that after I've seen the gist,” the woman noted while explaining that she immediately put the note in her purse. The man was curious to know what the note said but she quickly changed the topic. When she went to the bathroom a second time, she finally got a good look at the note. The entire thing read, “Just no. You can do better.”

The woman was baffled upon reading the note and didn’t know how to react. She fell into a chaotic thought and wondered, “Did he do something when I went up to go to the bathroom? Did he hit on them? Do they know him around town? Were they just being girls’ girls?” she introspected. She was too confused to figure out what the problem was. Several women agreed with the note and urged the woman to consider it. @rdtohappiness said, “Any girl giving me a note secretly on a date, I’m gonna believe the girl. She felt compelled enough to get involved, which means it’s something.” @ann_the_nurse added, “Girls don’t do that for nothing. Trust your gut.”

In a follow-up video, the woman revealed that she got to ask her date about the note. This was after he drunk-texted her impulsively and apologized. He responded, “I don’t know her, she somehow must know my ex or something.” This felt even more off and eventually, in a few more follow-up videos, the woman revealed she ended things with the man.
You can follow (@cuteascluck) on TikTok for more content on dating and relationships.