Woman takes DNA test for fun, ends up helping her dad learn the true identity of his biological father

It is heartbreaking for many people to not have the privilege of being raised by their biological parents. Having been separated from them for various reasons, sometimes even without learning their identity, there is a void. Many people strive to find out who their biological parents are to reunite. u/Chillin_Killin7 revealed that her dad had been trying to trace his biological father but in vain, until she decided to try her luck at tracing the family’s ancestry for fun. The results gave her dad the most wholesome and anticipated closure.

The woman had purchased the DNA ancestry kit for 2 reasons: one was for the fun of it and the other, to trace her biological grandfather. “My grandmother had multiple children with a few different gentlemen, so my whole life there was speculation as to who my grandfather was,” she wrote. She added that even her father didn’t know who his biological dad was. “I believe my dad was aware of all the speculation but chose to shut it out because he wanted to believe that the man who raised him was his biological dad,” she revealed. Unfortunately, the man who raised the dad passed away some time ago. Nevertheless, the dad longed to know whether what he believed was true. On receiving the results, the woman wasn't too stunned to see the family tree of relatives and others whom she wasn’t aware of.

At the time, the woman found nothing that “stood out” to reveal any traces of her biological grandfather. Later, while sharing the results and features with her father, the duo made a surprising observation. “I was showing him all the features that you unlock when you send in your DNA, then I clicked on the ‘matches’ tab,” she explained. The woman went on to read the matches when her dad found one to be peculiar. He abruptly stopped her to understand. “The relative, in particular, went by the nickname, 'Aggie,' online. He said, ‘Like Agatha?’ I confirmed that’s who it was,” the woman wrote.
“He looked at me with tears in his eyes and told me that Aggie was his aunt…his dad’s sister,” the post read. The duo were shocked to find out that the woman had matched with the aunt, thus confirming that the man who had raised him was indeed his biological father. “He burst into tears because now, after almost 50 years, he knows the truth,” the woman exclaimed. Shaken by his reaction, the woman was at a loss for words at the amazing long-awaited discovery. “All I could do was cry with him as I saw closure fall over him. After he and I confirmed the truth, we talked more about other relatives and I filled in more on my tree. It was really one of the most special moments I have ever had with my dad,” she said.
People were moved by the closure the dad received. The relief that he had been with his biological father and raised by him was one of the best things he’d heard. u/theheliumkid wrote, “What a beautiful gift to give your father, even if it was unintentional. That will be a special moment in his life forever.” u/missjowashere remarked, “That's wonderful. It's so nice to see a much-wanted result of an ancestry test.”