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Woman who moved to Spain reveals 10 'culture shocks' and it has Americans stunned

Moving from America to Spain, the woman was taken aback by the contrasting difference in various practices across both countries
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

Moving to another country comes with its share of surprises. Whether it’s the bafflingly unlimited wine in Italy or the astounding variety of cuisines in India, many find themselves in a culture shock when they visit new countries and witness their authentic practices. A woman named Morgan moved to Spain and was so taken aback by the practices in the country that she had to document them in an impressive video. Titling it “Culture shocks I had when I moved to Spain,” the woman listed several differences, ranging from food to people, medication, and more. Depicting various situations she encountered, she shared what she learned about Spain. 

Representative Image SOurce: Pexels | Pixabay
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

The first "cultural shock" Morgan mentioned was the nightlife in Spain. She was about to leave a club at 2 a.m., assuming it would close soon when she was hit with an astonishing reality. “We’re only getting started,” her text overlay countered. “It is very common for bars and clubs to remain open till sunrise,” she wrote.

Representative Image Source: Pexels|
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Martin Lopez

The second point was a big shocker for her. Talking about the tipping culture, Morgan mentioned a major difference between America and Spain. While people are big on the tipping in America, Spain is entirely different. “Service industry workers in Spain are given fair wages and don’t work for or expect tips,” she mentioned.

Next, Morgan depicted a trip she took to the beach which left her shocked. She saw several topless women at the beach. Morgan learned that women can be comfortable in their own skin and enjoy the beach, with no limits on their clothing! 

People were loving the woman’s earned knowledge and wanted to know more. In a follow-up video, Morgan shared more “culture shocks” she witnessed, and they're simply remarkable. The first major difference she shared in this video was the dinner timings. She highlighted that dinner plans begin nowhere before 10-11 pm. The next factor had to do with supermarket shopping. Morgan revealed that unlike American supermarkets where value-packed goods or cased items have to be purchased together, things are different in Spain. If a person wishes to purchase just one can or bottle out of an entire case, they can do so.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Eduardo Soares
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Eduardo Soares

Then she talked about how New Year’s is celebrated differently in Spain. Many will trace this to the popular sitcom “Modern Family” where Sofia Vergara shoves grapes in her mouth for New Year’s Eve. Morgan learned that “Eating 12 grapes on the midnight of 31st December is said to provide good luck for the rest of the year,” per a popular belief among the Spanish.

In another follow-up video, she shared more surprising facts about Spain. Morgan was happy to share that in schools, students don’t address teachers with a title or their surnames but rather their first names. Another exciting discovery for Morgan was that items are mostly priced along with taxes included in Spain. 

Lastly, the woman was delighted to reveal that compared to America’s whopping medical fee structure, in Spain, residents are given basic healthcare for free! Several people were surprised by the differences between the U.S. and Spain. @lauriavick wrote, “Most of the countries are like this. The US is the shock.” @darleen.libres pointed out, “The U.S. really needs to step up their game.”

You can follow Morgan (@morganinspain) on TikTok for more content on travel and lifestyle.