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Woman who took her car for servicing was mansplained about mechanics—a simple truth shut the man up immediately

Females are not strangers to mansplaining, but this woman's response had the internet applauding and super impressed.
(L) Worker fixing auto parts. (R) Wom confidently seated in the driver's seat in a car. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | (L) cottonbro studio; (R) Cristian Rojas; (Inset) TikTok | @ohoulpsa2z6)
(L) Worker fixing auto parts. (R) Wom confidently seated in the driver's seat in a car. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | (L) cottonbro studio; (R) Cristian Rojas; (Inset) TikTok | @ohoulpsa2z6)

Women are done with getting mansplained over simple things for the most ridiculous reasons and presumptions made by men. Despite repeated evidence showing that women are just as capable and smart as males, there is still some kind of sexist pride the latter hold. There are several instances where women have confidently shut down misogynistic men and one of the instances was shared by Lauren-Ann Graham–who goes by @nasa.lag on TikTok. She mentioned that an employee at an auto parts store was trying to mansplain her when she went to get her car serviced. She didn’t take the disrespect but responded with a simple fact that gave him a reality check.

Auto parts worker showing an attitude. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by cottonbro studio)
Auto parts worker showing an attitude. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by cottonbro studio)

Graham revealed in a post that she was being “ripped off” by an auto parts store employee. The man further tried to mansplain to her about the parts and the functioning, per The Daily Dot. However, Graham was not having it. She revealed what her response looked like by hopping on to an honest and iconic trend. The trend included sharing pictures of herself in pretty bows and dresses and then in her work uniform, revealing her profession. With the background music “That Don’t Impress Me Much” by Shania Twain, Graham proudly shared glimpses of herself all dolled up and then quickly shifted to her uniform, a jumpsuit as a proud engineer for NASA. 

Employee mansplaining functions to woman. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Shkraba Anthony)
Employee mansplaining functions to woman. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Shkraba Anthony)

The following pictures and glimpses revealed Graham focused on work, getting into all the mechanics and science far more advanced than cars. “When I’m literally a rocket scientist,” she wrote in the text overlay, while it perfectly paired with Twain’s lyrics, “Oh, so you’re a rocket scientist?” “I can fix your car or your spacecraft,” she proudly wrote in her caption. It is hysterical to imagine what the man’s face must have been like after he learned of her profession. Keep the mansplaining away, definitely not working today. Her post has people applauding her for her hard work and skills that got her the prestigious position. 

Woman in uniform working at NASA. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Leisha)
Woman in uniform working at NASA. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Leish)

The singer Shania Twain herself commented on the video. “Okay, so you’re a rocket scientist? That does impress me much!” she said. “Oh my gosh, my jaw is on the ground, you are iconic!” Graham replied. Perfectly balancing her feminine energy and her determination to be whatever she wants, she has become an inspiration with her post. It instantly went viral with several claiming that Graham undoubtedly “won the trend.” @angelicageorge09 said, “All these ladies are actually so iconic.” @mama.maddi.13 remarked, “I’d love to see a cocky man’s reaction when you tell him that. You go girl!”

Image Source: TikTok|@shaniatwain
Image Source: TikTok|@shaniatwain

Image Source: TikTok|@beepbopbeau
Image Source: TikTok|@beepbopbeau
Image Source: TikTok|@beepbopbeau
Image Source: TikTok|@beepbopbeau

@clj305 added, “As a mechanical engineer who works on cars, I just laugh at them at the parts store.” @yourfavetmelons wrote, “Coming from the sea coast, this impresses me so much. You go girl.” @creativehomemaker_ remarked, “There couldn’t have been a better line for this. You’re an icon.” @jbracks28 said, “I just showed this to my girls, they were so excited. Thank you for setting an example.”


I can fix your car or your spacecraft🚀🤷‍♀️

♬ That dont impress me much - MusicVideos102 👑


You can follow Lauren-Ann Graham (@nasa.lag)  on TikTok for more lifestyle content.