12-year-old retired police dog was being walked for rehabilitation—he noticed something that saved a stranger’s life

Service dogs are trained in a splendid way that they carry their skills and learnings for a lifetime. A 12-year-old German shepherd, Bear, is garnering praise all over the internet after making a mind-blowing rescue in an unexpected setting, according to Thin Blue Paw Foundation. As a retired service dog, the furry guy had undergone several physical issues and was in his relaxing and dismissed period when he spotted something unusual and allowed his instincts to work, resulting in a brave and applause-worthy rescue.

It was the retired service dog’s 12th birthday and he was taking a walk with his owner Julia Pope, a former police officer. The walk was specifically aimed toward Bear’s recovery, following a major surgery. Bear had an MRI to check herniated discs, followed by two surgeries to remove tumors, per The Guardian. The furry pal had been through quite a medical process and was relaxed with his owner, doing his best to recover. Suddenly, he “went into work mode.” The sharp dog had noticed something unusual and was trying to notify his owner. In another post, the foundation explained in detail how “Bear alerted his owners to a person in distress, hidden in the undergrowth.”

When authorities went over to see what the old canine was hinting towards, they found a man in a miserable state. “The man was confused, wet, cold and unable to get up. Unbeknownst to RPD Bear, the man was a vulnerable missing person who officers had been searching for without success,” the post read. It was Bear who directed them and helped them through a dark and desolate place to track down the man and save his life. “I’m not sure he would have survived the night as it was extremely cold and almost dark at that point with no one else in the vicinity,” Pope recalled.

Despite being old, retired and on his way to recovery, the German shepherd outdid himself and played a vital role in this impromptu rescue. For his exemplary service yet again, the canine was presented the “Thin Blue Paw Lifesaver Award.” “RPD Bear, you're a true hero, showing us that even in retirement, you can still save lives. Happy Birthday, Bear!” the post noted. Chief Constable Jo Shiner, who co-presented the award, remarked, "I was proud to present Bear with a Lifesaver Award for his heroic work to locate a man in distress. It is incredible Bear is continuing to inspire us with his skills and caps a remarkable career of service even after his well-earned retirement from the force in 2020.”
Kieran Stanbridge, a Thin Blue Paw trustee, said, “RPD Bear is a true hero – his training and instinct kicked in and he managed to lead his owners, who are former police officers themselves, to this vulnerable man who needed urgent help. Even in his retirement, he’s still saving lives.” The officer noted that the dog is an inspiration to all in the department. “Bear’s story is a testament to the high standards achieved by all of our police dogs and their handlers in Sussex, and demonstrates our commitment to helping the public and serving our communities,” he exclaimed.