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A poor couple adopted him when he was just 3 months old. Then he fulfilled their dream

The adoptive parents struggled hard to give the boy a good life. So, when he grew up, he had one goal - to provide a luxurious life to his parents.
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Caleb Oquendo
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Caleb Oquendo

Life has been known for taking its twists and turns but there's always some rich experience, lesson or abstract gift life offers. For Jayvee Lazaro Badile, when his adoptive parents took him in, things weren't all that great. He shared that despite having it tough, he felt nothing but blessed and was on his way to repay them a hundredfold for the kindness and selflessness they showed him throughout his childhood. Badile honestly revealed that Nanay and Tatay (that's how he addressed his parents) weren’t well financially but still went out of their way and adopted him to give him a life filled with love. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Quang Nguyen Vinh
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Quang Nguyen Vinh

“When Nanay and Tatay adopted me, it wasn’t a good life. Nanay is a vendor, Tatay is a porter,” Badile explained. Sharing more about their difficult days, Badile said, “I was 3 months old when Nanay and Tatay adopted me. Life was very difficult. I had to be working as a student, and we were happy if Na got to make 2 meals a day,” per Bored Panda. He added, “On top of that, we lived in a 20-square-meter (215-square-foot) apartment.” In another post, Badile shared glimpses of what life looked like to him growing up. A very simple and tiny home, with walls and structures barely standing.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| RDNE Stock Project
Representative Image Source: Pexels| RDNE Stock Project

The space was compact and Bidale was confined to a restricted and cluttered life. However, through it all, he had the support and love of his adoptive parents and that seemed to make up for everything. Badile also shared glimpses of his parents trying hard to make ends meet. Juggling with housework, earning a livelihood and looking after their home and child was a challenging task. Despite having almost nothing but the bare minimum, they surprisingly always had a smile on their faces. As life went on, Badile’s adoptive parents put all they had to help the boy grow into a successful young man.


As he studied and worked hard, he earned a successful career. His dream with his hard-earned money was to give his parents a renewed luxurious life they deserved. "Our home is a picture of poverty, a picture of a family trying to achieve a dream. I share with you the story of our journey to abundant life with all my heart. My family is overflowing with excitement as we move into a new home that we can call 'ours,'” he wrote in his post. In several other posts, Badile revealed that he created a new 7-bedroom home for himself and his family and still spends lavishly for his beloved parents.


As he works and grows, his heart-melting goal is clear. “Now that I have the chance to give back to them, I will make sure they will live their dreams better than what they could ever imagine.” Badile now shares his enormous home, his luxurious gifts of clothing, jewelry and more with his parents, as well as, other family members. As per him, the gesture of gratitude was the least he could do for his family.