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Bride and groom got an owl to be their ring bearer. The bird had its own plans

The couple decided to have an owl as their ring bearer for their wedding ceremony but little did they know, they were in for a surprise!
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Marian Havenga
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Marian Havenga

Wedding ceremonies consist of a ring bearer so that couples can have their rings stored safely and aesthetically. Usually, one of the most trusted family members or one of the entourage members takes up the responsibility of handling the rings. In some cases, the flower girls or page boys walk down the aisle with the same. There have also been cases where the couple’s pet walks down the aisle bearing the rings. These are usually cats or dogs and this is a rare scenario. However, in one particular wedding ceremony at Kirkstall Abbey, England, there was a rather special ring bearer, per the New York Post

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Benni Fish
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Benni Fish

A man named Callum Russell had been present at the venue for an art convention when he noticed the scenario unfold, per PEOPLE. The couple had an extraordinary ring bearer for their ceremony and the special guest created an astonishing situation for the couple with their rings. Above all possible people and creatures to have as a ring bearer, the bride and groom decided to take a chance and have an owl in charge of their rings. There is no reason mentioned as to why the couple made the decision but the couple undoubtedly had plans of their own. Like any other ring bearer, the owl had to hold onto the rings and when the time came, had to deliver them to the couple to be exchanged. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Andrew Patrick Photography
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Andrew Patrick Photography

Unfortunately, the bird had no clue how things work and Russell recalled the owl flew away shortly before it was time to exchange the rings! Sitting proudly above a building, not giving a damn about the wedding and the couple- now awaiting the rings, the bird left the people baffled. He stayed on the building top and refused to come down or drop the rings. Despite trying all sorts of bribes and tactics, the owl remained put for the next seven hours. The owl wouldn’t even listen to his handler who knew how to lure him but somehow still failed. The creature left for the building at around 1 pm and returned only at 8 pm. It’s safe to believe it was firm on its own schedule. 

Russell, who had a stand at the convention happening nearby, mentioned that he was able to be updated on the spectacle for quite some time. “It seemed like they had been ready to do the rings but the owl went away. He flew on top of the abbey and stayed there all night,” he recalled. He added that the owl’s shenanigans caused several people to build anticipation and understand how things would unfold. Apart from the guests, like Russell, several others were eager to understand what would happen. Though Russell left at 5 pm after he was finished, the owl was still standing on the top of the building, not interested in returning to the couple any sooner. However, to their luck a few hours later, the creature made up his mind and got back to the venue with the rings to finally complete the ceremony.