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Brit woman trolled Americans for eating fish and chips with their hands — they retaliated with the best comebacks

While the method of eating is distinct in both countries, Americans couldn't help but back their eating habits with factual, and sarcastic replies.
UPDATED MAR 13, 2025
A young woman and man share a basket of fish and chips. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by FatCamera)
A young woman and man share a basket of fish and chips. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by FatCamera)

Every country has its culture and etiquette. Because of its diversity, what may be a default mechanism in one country, may be appalling in another. However, each of these practices is appreciated by their locals and must be respected and accepted by others too. A woman, Clara, who goes by @clara_ish on X, formerly known as Twitter, shared a particular American habit she found unacceptable. The woman was baffled to see Americans enjoying traditional fish and chips with their hands instead of forks or other cutlery. When she further pointed out that it’s a strange practice, Americans had top-notch comebacks to render. 

Close-up shot of fish and chips in platter with dip. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Ivan)
Close-up shot of fish and chips in platter with dip. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Ivan)

The woman received a culture shock after watching a woman’s video where she was eating fish and chips with her fingers and enjoying the same. “Americans on TikTok love to eat fish and chips with their hands??? Why?” she asked. Several people tried convincing Clara that it is a common practice among Americans to enjoy the delicacy with their hands. @AdamRamsay wrote, “Obviously you eat fish and chips with your hands.” @RossMcCaff added, “Because it is the correct way to eat it.” However, Clara was not convinced. She added a comment that made Americans respond with other priceless responses to ensure she wouldn’t question their habits again.

Man eating fish and chips with his bare hands. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Johnathan Knowles)
Man eating fish and chips with his bare hands. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Johnathan Knowles)

In a thread, she wrote, “Absolutely not!!! *Shudders thinking of the grease*” The woman also mentioned that the practice was understandable only in cases where cutlery wasn’t available. @WhoGotACharger hysterically said, “Whatever opinion British people have on food, it’s wrong.” @Daramgr tried to reason and said, “Fried food almost never wants to be eaten with a fork and knife !? You try to stab into it with a fork, and the coating shatters into little pieces, especially if this is a takeaway and the plastic fork just bends, too limp to properly get in there!!” @DaveRoomeAuth hilariously depicted, “Oi mate yew go' a loicense to no' ea' wi' a knife an fork innit?” 

@MrsWalker613 wrote, “I don't think Americans are going to take culinary advice from the countries that sold spice and never learned how to use it. PS. Fried foods are finger foods!” People were on a roll to defend their eating habits from the Europeans. Right from logical, hysterical, and sarcastic responses, people left no room for doubt after their vivid perspectives. @BrianDrisk shared, “As an Irishman,  there's no other way to consume your fish and chips.” @Domthgr8 pointed out, “We don’t put beans on our fries so no need to use a fork for that or fish sticks. Ya'll use silverware for chicken tenders too?” 



@Bairddric1 remarked, “Clara. If you take a knife and fork to a fish supper you will be deported immediately. The fish are grown to strict measurements to be eaten with the fingers. Any other method is ludicrous.” @KimAJ1998 assured, “The only time one needs a fork to eat French fries (I said what I said) is when they’re covered in gravy and cheese curds.” @stafacore wrote, “You guys don’t have anything else good to eat, don’t start complaining about what we do.” @TheGreatErenan said, “Because it works and if it makes people mad that’s a bonus.” @michael_c_grant added, “It's a natural moisturizer for our calloused fingers.” @NiceNeanderthal added, “My feet aren’t dexterous enough.”



This article originally appeared 4 months ago.