Dad demonstrates brilliant trick that stops his toddler from going into full-blown tantrum: 'Works 95% of the time'

Handling a toddler's tantrum while you are working beside them can be quite a challenging thing. It is easy to feel angry at that moment as a parent but that might not be the best way to deal with things. Fortunately, a dad has shared a trick that he does with the toddler that works most of the time when she is throwing a tantrum. The dad performing the simple technique with the little girl was shared by the mom on TikTok. The woman, Maddie, goes by @regualrmaddie on the platform.

The dad seemed to be baking a dessert in the kitchen as his daughter sat in her baby seat on the kitchen counter. Everything seemed to be going well and the man was stirring something when the baby started crying. He immediately called out to her and stopped doing what he was doing. "I am going to put you down," the dad told the girl. She shook her head a little and started looking here and there as her dad continued to maintain eye contact with her. "Take a deep breath," the man repeated as he held onto his daughter's hands and her baby seat. The girl immediately listened to her dad. She stopped crying and took a deep breath as per her dad's instructions.
"Yeah, that's better. That's better," the dad pointed out. "Take a deep breath again," he continued and took a deep breath himself to encourage the girl to follow along. "Take a deep breath, honey." She did that and stopped crying soon enough. She wiped her eyes as her dad continued to encourage her. He passed on the bowl he was stirring to his daughter and told her to stir the bowl to divert her attention and give her a new task. "The way he keeps her from going into a tantrum," the mom wrote in the text overlay of the video. In the caption, she revealed that the dad's method "works 95% of the time." The video received more than three million views and over 256k likes.
People took to the comments of the video to share their thoughts and experiences with the same. @chefmamamade wrote, "My husband does this too which is so ironic because he has a severe panic disorder and can’t calm himself down sometimes but he’s so good with our kids." @flowingphases commented, "My 2-year-old niece helps adults to do their breathing exercises. When she sees big emotions she'll walk right up to them & start to breathe just like momma taught her at 2. The world needs more of this."

@teddybyebye remarked, "The way he seems tired but is still being patient and keeping an even tone with her. I love seeing actually good parents on this app." @ld4343 shared, "Absolutely GENIUS! Teaching her how to self-regulate her emotions at such a young age is the best gift you could give her. She will utilize this her entire life!" @frauddieutscheliebe expressed, "My parents did this, but made me drink water. It's great, but sometimes ya just gotta have the meltdown." @das.german.girl pointed out, "Ok- imma call him when I’m upset so he can tell me to take a breath and calm down. This is wonderful. What a great dad."
You can follow Maddie (@regularmaddie) on TikTok for more parenting content.