Dad's adorable text shows how the cat he was forced to adopt is turning his 'horrible' workdays into 'happy' ones

Pets are known to bring a lot of joy to people, more often than not. Sometimes, even if a person is not that open to the idea of getting a pet in the beginning, they might grow to love them after some time. A similar thing happened with a person's dad who was "forced" to adopt a cat, but later on, she became one of the best things in his life. His child, u/HayleyDoyle1216, shared a screenshot of their dad's text to show how the man feels about the cat now.

"We had three pets pass away last year (from old age) and my dad was heartbroken and couldn't bring himself to adopt another pet," the person began. But then their sister started taking care of a colony of feral cats and was having trouble finding a home for one "cutie." They added, "My dad begrudgingly accepted the cat into his home and now they're inseparable. He sends me texts like this and videos of them playing all the time." The man had shared a picture of a white and brown cat sitting in the middle of his bed along with a heartwarming message about the pet with their kid.
The text read, "My work has been absolutely horrible these days. I truly hate what they've turned the company into. But no matter how...she just makes me happy," the dad said referring to his cat. Meanwhile, the cat stared directly at the camera with a distant look on her face. Many people took to the comments section of the thread to appreciate the person's story, and to share stories of their own parents who grew to love pets after a certain point.
u/taniverse wrote, "My dad's not a spectacular dad by any means, but by God does that man love his pets. He's got a little Cocker Spaniel named Rico, who's his baby and they cuddle like nobody's business. He loves that dog and has to talk about him every time he calls me. It's so heartwarming!" u/oysterich commented, "I lost my sweet boy Hank a few months ago. My heart still aches. But the other day I was in the elevator when a couple got on with their dog and he came right up to me and was just melting under my touch as I scratched his ears and that brought me more joy than anything in weeks."

u/Spoon251 remarked, "I had a conversation with my old man about this and we both came to the conclusion that it's near impossible to be in a bad mood and pet a cat. Like, you can be in a bad mood, the cat walks over asking for pets and even if you're in a bad mood while leaning down to pet the cat, the second you touch his fur it's gone. Thirty seconds into pets and your whole situation changes. Quite astonishing really. But not that astonishing when you see my cat. He is pretty adorable." u/Woopsied00dle shared, "I love this. My dad used to talk so much crap about his cat. In the same breath, he would complain, 'She’s a b****' because she pooped on his bed' and 'promise me you’ll take care of her when I die.' - I miss him. I kept my promise. She doesn’t poop on my bed but she does poop on my floor."