Entire plane started singing ‘Baby Shark’ to comfort a crying baby: 'Passed the vibe check'

Sometimes, all it takes to render profound help is a little effort on our end. No big rescues, just a little thoughtfulness. If you’re lucky, the community steps up to join you and offer aid to a person in need. A radio jockey named Parikshit Balochi (@parikshitbalochi) was delighted to join a passenger in pacifying a fussy child on a plane. When the kid wouldn’t stop crying, another passenger seated behind decided to murmur the lyrics of “Baby Shark” to the kid, per Business Insider. Balochi soon joined him and noticed that it was helping. Shortly, the entire plane joined the duo to pacify the baby in a heartfelt way.

Balochi revealed that a child sitting beside him was inconsolable on the plane. Despite his parent’s efforts, he wouldn’t stop crying. There is heavy tension between the parent of a wailing child and passengers in such cases. However, humanity seemed to be on this parent’s side and one of the passengers seated behind whispered the words of the famous children's song to help out. As soon as Balochi heard the passenger, he joined in too. "I've got no shame because I speak publicly as a radio host. So I started singing out loud and everybody joined in,” he remarked. The video captured the wholesomeness that followed.

All the neighboring passengers understood the parent and child’s plight and assisted in pacifying him by singing “Baby Shark" in a chorus. With gleaming eyes, wide smiles, clapping hands and a little seat-dancing, each passenger tried their best to calm the kid down. Balochi noted, "As it was happening, I thought, 'Wow, this is a cool moment. I should take out my phone.' So I started recording but only got a few seconds of it.” The passengers collectively sang for a good few seconds and per the radio host’s text in the video, they seemed to have the situation under control soon. He wrote, “Crying baby on the plane? No problem!"

The man calmly noted that a crying child can be a disturbance but a little understanding on everyone’s end shouldn’t hurt. "There's no doubt that crying babies are irritating on a flight. You've got to have some tolerance. It's only a child. It's not the end of the world," he added. Balochi was glad to know that his video went viral, receiving millions of views. People were smiling at the fact that all the passengers made joint efforts to pacify the child and make the flight a memorable and calm experience for all. @humanbaby0 shared, “My experience flying with a kid has been like this. People were kind and helpful, it’s awesome.”
@1234567jujujj added, “If only every passenger behaved like this when little ones cry on a plane.” @ladyfalcon17 remarked, “This is the village they’re talking about, it really does take a village and it’s beautiful to see when that happens.” @theoneandonly11230 noted, “All passengers passed the vibe check.” @1dkoz01 said, “This is beautiful. It would have brought tears to my eyes if this was my baby and everyone banded together instead of being mean.”
You can follow Pariksit Balochi (@pariskshitbalochi) on TikTok for more content on humanity and lifestyle.