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Grieving daughters find beautiful note that feels like a message from their late dad

Two sisters who lost their dad to COVID had been missing him a little too much one of the weeks when they chanced upon a heartwarming note.
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Ron Lach
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Ron Lach

Losing a loved one is one of the toughest realities to face. During the coronavirus pandemic, several people had to go through the unfortunate tragedy of saying goodbye to their family members or close friends. For a young woman, Abrielle Clausing (@abrielleclausing), things were extremely excruciating when she lost her father. Clausing’s dad passed away due to COVID-19 in 2021, but the loss has been echoing in the hearts of the bereaved family even today. Clausing was feeling particularly stricken with pain one of the days recently and decided to go thrift shopping with her sister.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro Studio

Sharing in the same post, she revealed that her dad loved thrift shopping and she wanted to do the same in his memory. “I was having a particularly hard week of grief. My sister and I decided to go thrift shopping and I told her I wanted a vintage Fossil brand purse,” she wrote. The woman also shared images of her with her father when she was younger to express how much she had been missing him. She mentioned that her dad enjoyed finding a good deal while thrifting and she was hoping to practice the same. "My sister and I loved thrifting with him and always showed him our cool finds,” she recalled, per PEOPLE.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Godisable JACOB
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Godisable JACOB

She even shared that as she and her sister continued the practice in honor of their dad, they’d ask him in their hearts to help them land a good find. "We always are like, 'Hey Dad, give us a good deal today!'" she remarked. Clausing went thrift shopping and to her luck, she stumbled upon a vintage Fossil brand purse, just like she wanted. The purse was a great find but there was something more priceless she found with it. The woman opened the purse to find a handwritten note inside it. It read, “When you read this, you will be far from me in miles but not in heart. I’m here. I love you.” Clausing was taken aback on reading the note. It felt nothing less than a message from her late father.

“I knew it was from him. I always check the inside of the bag before I buy it to make sure it’s in good condition. When I stuck my hand in it, I felt the piece of paper and when I took it out and found the note, I read it out loud to my sister,” she recalled. Clausing kept the note close to her heart. It was, somehow, just the assurance she needed. "When I saw the note, it just confirmed that he was with us. He’s always with us,” she exclaimed. People were overwhelmed with tears of joy on seeing Clausing get just the comfort she needed at the right time. @fossil wrote, “What a beautiful note to find! Your dad’s love will always be with you. @giamaria67 added, “There is nowhere you can go that he’s not with you.” @joanned3 exclaimed, “This is so beautiful, I’m so glad you were able to receive a message from your dad.”

Image Source: TikTok|@erikaruiz
Image Source: TikTok|@erikaruiz

Image Source: TikTok|@shoelover99
Image Source: TikTok|@shoelover99

You can follow Abrielle Clausing (@abrielleclausing) on TikTok for more content on family and relationships.