Little boy's uncontrollable giggles during his haircut have us rolling on the floor

For many parents, taking a child for a haircut is a nightmare. Many kids are uncomfortable with the idea of having sharp objects at the hands of strangers so close to them. It is a frightening experience and many children get uncomfortable. However, some kids can have a unique experience that can be a wholesome chuckle for all. A mom named Loren Hooper (@lorenhooper) shared the experience her little boy had while getting his haircut at a salon. The video is literally all giggles and people can’t help but admire how adorable the situation is. The overwhelming comments are an added dose of cuteness.

The video captures the tiny tot seated in the chair with the cover on, awaiting his haircut. However, this little boy was not frightened or confused. Instead, he was eagerly awaiting what the barber had to offer. Though he tried his best to stay still, as soon as the barber approached him with his tools, he began to chuckle. Little by little, this chuckle turned into a burst of laughter. The barber tried his best to give the boy some time to get used to the experience. However, the tiny fellow was having way too much fun enjoying the appointment. Within no time, the boy had even the barber giggling with his infectious laughter.

Every time the barber tried to approach him, the tiny tot would immediately burst out laughing, leaving almost everyone out of control at the shop. His smile was so wide, his eyes barely stood open and his teeth all showed brightly. Like a beaming light, he undoubtedly lit up the entire shop that day. For those wondering whether or not the boy managed to get his haircut, the next image in the post revealed it all. The boy sat happily with yet the widest but this time, sat still and smiled as the barber worked his magic on his hair. He was delightedly enjoying a little snack in his chair like the cutest gentleman while the barber focused on doing his job. “Obsessed with this video too much not to post,” the mom noted.

With over 16,000 likes, several people were baffled yet giggling away together with the boy. His energetic and wholesome smiles instantly spread throughout. While some moms related to the giggles at the thought of their boys, others were drenched in awe at this young man. @angelrocker48 wrote, “The laugh is so similar and contagious.” @ladyesthershiloh added, “Simply the best. Protect those sweet giggles.”
@nihat_unsal remarked, “How sweet it is, how effective a smile like this! You warm my heart kid.” @mo_siaw added, “I hope these two stay friends forever.” noted, “Your little son has entered all of our hearts.” @uncleslim54 said, “Such a cute little fella. His laugh brightens up my day.” @uwa_zia_crn remarked, “I'm laughing too even though I don’t know what they were saying, so adorable.” @kaynliby wrote, “This is therapy right here.” @helentixeiriarodrigues mentioned, “And then they say laughter isn’t infectious.” @joana.reias added, “Wow, just watching his laugh made me feel more hopeful about the future.”
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You can follow Loren Hooper (@lorenhooper) on Instagram for more content on parenting and humor.