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Man chooses his late mom's handwritten diary entry from the day he was born as his first tattoo

He revealed why the message meant so much to him and highlighted the way his mother saw him.
Representative Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels| Cottonbro Studio, (R) Mariia Vitkovska| Getty Images
Representative Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels| Cottonbro Studio, (R) Mariia Vitkovska| Getty Images

The first tattoo, like every first in life, is special since people often attach sentimental value to it and the idea for it comes from a special place in their hearts. But a first tattoo becomes even more significant when it's connected to someone experiencing something like childbirth for the first time. For Jake Bley, his first tattoo was inspired by a special bond with his mother and he took to X, formerly known as Twitter to reveal the true story behind it.

Representative Image Source: Half Dark| Getty Images
Representative Image Source: Half Dark| Getty Images

Sharing a picture of the same, the man shared a backstory in his post and a few follow-up threads. The tattoo on Bley's thigh is a simple sentence with four words close to his heart. Etched in a cursive font, it reads, “Only a little fellow.” Sharing how he came up with the idea of getting that inked on his body, Bley revealed that after his mum passed away from leukemia a few years ago, he and his siblings received a few belongings that she left behind. Bley received her diaries and writing material, and while going through them he spotted an entry from the day he was born. His mother, in her own handwriting, had noted the time and several other details of his birth to capture the moment that he arrived in this world. “Jake was born. 8.17 pm,” his mother noted. “2590 gms, approximately 6lb. 47.5cms long,” she added.

Representative Image Source: South Artist| Getty Images
Representative Image Source: South Agency| Getty Images

Along with the specifics, she also added a personal note which became a special message and his new tattoo. She wrote, “Only a little fellow,” which is now embedded on Jake’s skin as his first tattoo. It's like the message has now become a part of him. Elaborating further on why the statement held so much value to him, Bley revealed in a comment that he was a premature baby, but his mother chose to note the same in a positive and delightful manner. As a reminder of his connection with his mother at birth and the years until her passing, Bley was sure to tattoo the words in the exact font that she used while writing them down. In follow-up threads, the man shared pictures of the diaries he received that belonged to his mother along with a picture of her.


Getting his first tattoo to resemble as much of his mother as possible was Bley’s way of honoring her. Several people applauded the man and cherished the gesture, which was a creative way to keep her memory alive. @CoolRiderr wrote, “That is so precious. May her memory be a blessing!” @lucyqrow added, “It's amazing that you have that piece of her with you always. I'm sure she'd be so proud of the strong and thoughtful person you've become."


@SimplyCallMeB added, “I love this. I'm 14 years old this year with my mom and I've always wanted something tattooed of hers. I might look into this!” @jaymeswithay remarked, “That’s the most poignant thing I think I have ever seen here.” @nicolas_dmge exclaimed, “Such a cute tribute.”