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Man discovers 'colonial secret' about great-great-great aunt in family tree — it's so odd he can never 'fully recover from' it

The man was just going through his family tree but was left speechless after tracing the row of great-great-great relatives.
UPDATED MAR 19, 2025
A man tracing his family tree in digital form on laptop. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| RDNE Stock project)
A man tracing his family tree in digital form on laptop. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| RDNE Stock project)

When someone finds their lookalike, the moment is nothing less than surreal for them. However, in Lukas Battle's (@lukasbattle) case, his doppelganger was revealed in a hilariously unique way. The man shared a video revealing details of the same and pointed out that it all began while he was trying to trace his family tree. Battle exclaimed, “I was humbled when I was looking into my family tree.” 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Minan
A man looking at his reflection in the mirror. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Minan)

He mentioned that he realized he looked very similar to his great-great-great aunt Katherine. Battle was baffled and his face was in a confused glitch, trying to figure out an expression for what he just discovered. He decided to reveal a picture of his great-great-great aunt Katherine but was mind-boggled with mixed emotions. “What I’m about to show you is not photoshopped and is a truth I have to live with ever since today,” he remarked. He then shared a vintage picture of his distant relative and the resemblance was uncanny. There was his great-great-great aunt almost twinning with Battle. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro Studio
A reflection of a man working at the office. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro Studio)

The picture of his relative was presumably taken in her teenage years and portrayed a young girl. Her facial features right from her forehead to her lips, all were a copy of Battle’s face and it was hilariously shocking to see the duo side by side in the video. The then-young Katherine in the picture had a dress on with hair slightly longer and different than Battle’s. However, none of the differential features allowed the duo’s splitting image to change. They looked less like twins and more like the same person in different eras. Battle made hysterical remarks about his observation. 

“This is real,” he said, before pointing out that it was confirmed he had features from his maternal side. “My face is giving corset, even a little braille,” he joked. He added with a smile how she “stole his face” and how it was still an unbelievable fact for him. Even though the two were from 2 completely different generations, Battle wasn't able to settle with the idea that his face was the same as his great great great aunt. “The idea that I resemble a colonial seamstress is something that I don't think I can fully recover from,” he said. Trying to express his shock, he added, “This is me. This is literally me.”

Image Source: TikTok|@elise0228
Image Source: TikTok|@elise0228

Image Source: TikTok|@secnarffrannie
Image Source: TikTok|@secnarffrannie

In conclusion, he sarcastically delivered priceless comedy saying, “There could only be one of us and guess what? You’re already on the ground.” People were in splits listening to Battle converse with his doppelganger. @nahactuallyjm hysterically wrote, “This alone made me not want to learn about my family.” @paigeinpublic shared, “At my great uncle’s funeral, I saw a picture of him as a young man. My brother thought it was a picture of himself, we’re just reusing faces.” @robert54221 added, “You better be grateful Ms. Katherine passed down that face card.” @moogand77 hilariously remarked, “You can’t tell me reincarnation isn’t real after this.” 

You can follow Lukas Battle (@lukasbattle) on TikTok for more content on humor and lifestyle. 

This article originally appeared 4 months ago.