Man specially joins Navy to collect evidence that Earth is flat. His findings prove him wrong.

There are several made-up theories people believe concerning our planet. One of the most controversial theories that has humanity split is the Flat Earth theory. While it has been proven time and again that Earth's shape is closer to an ellipsoid, many still refuse to believe it and are adamant about Earth being flat. These people have gone far and wide to prove their theory and have baffling experiences. One of these was a man who joined the navy with one goal: to prove the Earth is flat. Commenting on a now-deleted post, u/TrungusMcTungus shared the story about the man’s experience and it has left people stunned.

In the comment, the user mentioned that the man had joined the Navy so he could see for himself that the planet was flat. He presumably already believed in the theory and wanted to settle the debate once and for all. He joined the defense with his theories, study, research, and more, and only needed to get a glimpse. “Every day he would chart the ship location, speed, heading, etc, a few times a day so he could make a map of their path,” the user explained. Unfortunately, over time, the man realized that his theory was not plausible.
His understanding and research revealed that they wouldn’t have been able to take the path they did had the Earth been flat. “Ultimately he realized that the path the ship was taking would be impossible if the earth was flat, based on the distance they were traveling versus their speed,” it was revealed. The man then got skeptical and feared what he long believed might not be true. “When he finally got skeptical of the earth being flat, his LPO (Lead Post Officer) went topside with him and pointed out the curvature by giving him binoculars and explaining that if the earth was flat, he should be able to see the land they were making for,” the post read. Unfortunately, the man couldn’t see anything.

It was further revealed that after seeing the truth himself several times and being pointed towards the same, he gave in and accepted that the Earth is round. The post concluded, “Dude ended up reenlisting and is still in the Navy, he's a very successful machinist mate and a really good sailor. He now believes the earth is a globe.” People were unsure what to make of the situation, and as hysterical and ridiculous as it was, the effort was commendable. u/PrettyBigChief said, “Whatever you want to say about the guy, that's a serious commitment.”
u/munchbunny added, “Also serious respect for doing the math and realizing...‘hmm, the data seems to say I'm wrong, maybe I'm actually wrong!’” u/never_safe_for_life remarked, “The traits this guy showed are amazing! Starting with skepticism, formulating a scientific method, going to incredible lengths to gather data, interpreting that data, and finally being willing to change his mind.” u/Prussian-Glory added, “That’s good that he eventually accepted the fact that the Earth was a globe.”

This article originally appeared 3 months ago.