Millennials reveal their 'plan' for retirement and it hits the nail on the head

If there is anything the millennials and younger generations have been struggling with, it is their work and livelihood. Trying to make a living, the younger adults have gotten caught up in an exhausting system they have no way out of. Most young adults are struggling to earn a living, let alone live comfortably. The idea of savings and retirement has been redefined thanks to the economy and several factors. Many boomers might tell the younger generation their retirement plans look like cruising, living in a condo, traveling the world or even spending luxury time with their families, but for millennials, the case is brutally different.

u/alphDsony called on millennials and asked, "What's your plan for retirement?" Instead of expecting light-hearted and lavish plans, the young working generation has a rather saddening reality laid out. Having known nothing but hustle for a major part of their lives, their retirement holds no beaming itineraries. With expenses, low income, lack of savings and so much going on with the economy, these 10 "retirement plans" are shocking yet relatable in unexpected ways.
1. Work, work, work
"Work till noon the day of my funeral." -u/BGuy9410 "'Sorry, lunch hour is really busy for us, we're going to need you to work through that.'" -u/takoyaki-md "Look at this guy affording a funeral."-u/huehuehuehueuuuu
2. Think of kids
"Save a lot, die before retirement, will my retirement savings to my kids so they have a chance." -u/HotLittlePotato "My mom's rather sudden death is the only thing that put me in a position to buy a house. I’d burn it down if it meant more time with her." -u/the_otter_song
3. 'Retirement? Lol'
"Flip a coin. Either I'm not living to see retirement age or I'll be working til I'm 90. And just to be clear, I have a well-paying and secure job, no loans and savings. I'm just confident that shit's going to get so bad that I'll be working until I drop dead." -u/emilang1000
4. '11 minutes'
"I did some financial planning and determined I can retire by the time I am 97 and can live for 11 minutes on my savings." -u/oielj-iusk9732 "Inflation just got a bit worse. That will be only 10 minutes, sorry." -u/raidhse-abundance-01

5. Inheritance for 5 minutes
"Live longer than everyone else in the family, inherit their stuff, retire five minutes before I die." -u/princessawesomepants
6. 'Prison'
"I read this quick and thought you said, 'state prison.' Like, your retirement plan is to go to prison and have the state care for you.' -u/comicgenius "It’s not the worst idea, honestly." -u/preggobear "If we all do this, we can take over the prisons and make them pleasant!" -u/prestigious-wolfe-8351
7. 'Die at the job'
"Die at my job. I'm neurodivergent and have never worked anything other than minimum wage jobs. I have no savings and no pension. I'll keel over mopping one day and that will be that. My job will be filled by that afternoon." -u/brumbles2814
8. Impossibilities
"It turns out that dying is pretty expensive as well. Surviving family members have to figure that shit out and cough up a few grand just to deal with your body. Fun! Many folks can't afford to die either." -u/kachunkachunk

9. If the economy permits
"I can plan. I'm good at saving money. But I have to like make money to save money and there is no longer any reliable way for me to extract money from this economy." -u/rogers_tumor "Life has a really fun ability to shit all over your plans even if you do literally everything right." -u/ape_fatto
10. Seemingly steady plans
"Contributing as much as I can to my 401,000, hoping social security will still be around when I reach my 60s and work the entrance gates at Disneyland part-time." -u/soupergloo