Mom fed up with people shaming mothers penned powerful note—it hit the nail on the head: 'Mom bullies are the worst'

Moms are hard-working people and yet, are often shamed and criticized by many. Everything they do is always called out in some way or another. The journey of raising kids with love and admiration is exhausting and difficult, yet moms take on the same with a smile. They raise their children to the best of their abilities, only to be questioned and disregarded in society. A mom named Kelsea King was frustrated by the never-ending negativity moms face and addressed it in a post with a bold message from her friend Alee Zering. The since-deleted post was reshared by Good Morning America and is a dose of reality to every ruthless mom-critic.

The post began by citing how everything a mother does is targeted and titled as wrong. "Mom-ing is hard when breastfeeding in public is offensive but formula feeding is frowned upon, when co-sleeping is dangerous but rocking your baby to sleep is wrong, when sleep training means you don’t love your baby but not having your kid on a schedule means you have no control of your kid,” the post read. The mom continued to point out how every mom duty done in any way is judged and frowned upon.

The mom noted how “putting your child in a bouncer/walker is detrimental to their development but holding them too much is spoiling them” and how “being a stay-at-home mom means you’ve given up your career/dreams but putting them in childcare and going back to work means you’re going to miss out on all of the important things."Whether it's medication, upbringing, morals, values or anything else, every decision a mother makes is misunderstood or simply shamed for no reason at all. The mom mentioned on behalf of every mother that “when you’re trying to be confident in your motherhood but everyone wants to tell you that you’re doing it wrong,” it's discouraging.
King noted how “we see ourselves in Alee [Zering].” Mom bullying is widely seen across social media and even in real life and it’s just disheartening. King recalled first coming across Zering’s words and relating a little too much to it as a mom herself. She saw herself in every sentence of the post and it was simply heartbreaking how much moms are being judged day in and day out. The mom positively mentioned that this post should be taken as a reminder that moms deserve more respect and sympathy if not empathy.

“It reminds everyone that we are doing the best we can, there is no 'right way,' and there is no need to worry about the opinions of others,” King said. Having been shared over 13,000 times, the mom is glad to have been able to reach out and touch the heart of every mother while representing their pain. The post rightly ended with a poignant message to stop and think before ruthlessly pinpointing every mom's actions. “Mom bullies are the worst. So stop. Just love, encourage, support and give a mom a cup of coffee,” the post concluded.