Non-Americans reveal the American food they really want to try - it's the ultimate food bucket list

What's the most amazing thing about almost every region of the world? It's the variety of food they offer. Food truly connects people and helps us explore other cultures. When people from one country move to another location, they look forward to trying new recipes of the place. The case is not so different for American cuisine. While most non-Americans may think about hotdogs or burgers when asked about American food, the country has much more to offer to satiate your taste buds.

American cuisine has adapted a lot; it has been influenced by different cultures of early European settlers, immigrants and Latin Americans. But one can't deny they have delicious fried food items. So, when a Reddit user, u/Material_Zombie, put forth an interesting question for the non-American people, they rushed to the comments section and created the ultimate food bucket list of sorts. "Non-Americans, what is an American food you really want to try?" read the question and quickly, the post garnered over 1,000 responses. Among the people who revealed one (or many) American foods they would love to try, some were literally craving cornbread while others were just dreaming about tucking into turkey, brisket, and pumpkin pie. We have selected 15 of the best answers that will make your mouth water.
1. Pop tarts
2. Indigenous rice
3. American fast food chains
4. Cornbread
5. Pies

6. Turkey
7. American soul food
8. State fair food
9. Crawfish
10. Southern BBQ

11. Mac and cheese
12. Funnel cakes
13. Concord grapes
14. American seafood
15. Pizza