Parents offered to pay for repairs after toddler damaged neighbor's car - the 'invoice' they got had them stunned

Children can cause quite a mess while they are playing around. Most of the time, they don't mean to cause any harm or destroy something. But, accidents happen. According to Metro, an incident was shared by a person on their now-deleted Facebook post, detailing how their toddler accidentally caused damage to their neighbor's car. The person wrote how their 3-year-old kid was opening the door of their car and ended up hitting the neighbor's car that was parked nearby.

Feeling bad for what their toddler did, the parents did what any good neighbor should have done. They contacted the neighbor and the owner of the damaged car and offered to pay for the damages. They explained what had happened and felt that was the right move compared to "going through insurance." But when the parents finally caught up to the neighbor, they did not expect what they were handed instead of a pricey repair bill. The invoice mentioned how the damage repair and re-spray would cost them £1,500 ($1,900) and repaying V.A.T would cost £300 ($380).
The neighbor jokingly added how the numerous cups of tea he drank while pondering the repair cost would sum up to £28. Along with that, he ate several packets of biscuits costing £10 ($12). "These things happen, minus, £1,838 ($2,330). No charge! The only thing we ask is you keep taking our parcels in when we are not here, thanks," the note from the neighbor concluded. It was evident that the kindhearted neighbor had spared the parents of the toddler from paying for the damage that was caused by the toddler's actions.

The fact the neighbor understood the situation of the parents who are raising a young kid, was exemplary indeed. In a similar story, a plumber named James Anderson was called to make repairs at the home of a 91-year-old terminally ill woman. But when he had to share an invoice, it was worth gaining the attention of people all over the world. The woman’s daughter, Christine Anne Rowolands, posted the invoice on Facebook with a touching message. Anderson did his job repairing a leak at the woman's home and emailed the invoice.
The bill shared the work he had done with a note that read, "Old lady, 91 years of age.” It was also added that the woman had acute leukemia and would be provided with “end-of-life care.” “A lot of elderly and disabled people don’t like asking for assistance and if they can’t afford something like fixing the boiler, they might not do it and get into trouble. We are there to take that worry away,” Anderson explained, per CBS News. “No charge for this lady under any circumstances. We will be available 24 hours to help and keep her as comfortable as possible," the invoice additionally mentioned. Anderson considered it nothing but his duty to reach out to the elderly and those in need.