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People reveal 10 of the greatest things about getting older and it is a 'liberating' list to read

Getting older can come with a range of benefits due to the experience people gather after years of work.
An old man at a party with a hat full of unique badges. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Brett Sayles; (Inset) Reddit | u/OodaWoodaWooda)
An old man at a party with a hat full of unique badges. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Brett Sayles; (Inset) Reddit | u/OodaWoodaWooda)

Many people dread getting older due to varied reasons, such as declining health and increased dependence. However, aging can also come with several benefits that make a person look forward to it. u/PrincessBananas85 asked people on Reddit, "What are the most rewarding things about getting older? What are some things that I can definitely look forward to as I age? I'm going to be 40 years old this year." From caring less about what others think to becoming more confident in one's own skin, getting older might work wonders for a person's sense of self, as per the comments.

An old woman is sitting on a swing at a park as her partner looks at her. Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay
An old woman is sitting on a swing at a park as her partner looks at her. Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

It could also be the time when people reap the rewards of their good financial decisions, more free time due to retirement, certain changes in a person's body that might be beneficial for them and so on. Also, many people feel that being alive and well as they grow older is a big plus in itself. Others joked how no one expected them to help with heavy physical labor. Quite a few people appreciated the experience and freedom that came with being "older and wiser." These 10 things are something that a young person can look forward to experiencing as they age as per old people on the internet.

1. Not caring about what others think

You stop giving a flying f*** about so many things. It's very liberating. -u/standupfiredancer

2. The secret old people club

I always thought I was in competition to be the Alpha when I was younger. It almost seems old men have a secret club. We nod at each other, say good morning, hold doors for each other,  give the guy the sidewalk. So much more laid back. -u/SeaCryptographer838

3. The power shift

As you become more financially independent, you can just ignore things from others and silently dare them to do something. The power shift is beautiful. -u/Packetex60

4. No period

No periods. I don't have to go to work every day. -u/kindcrow

5. Being alive

Not dying is a big plus. -u/Neuvirths_glove

6. Compound interest

Compound interest is awesome, so if you haven't started saving, get to it now. -u/FaberGrad

7. Knowing when to share your wisdom

The wisdom of the years and the good sense to know when to share it. -u/HazardousWeather

8. Less physical labor

You no longer have to worry about people asking you to help them move. It's nice to know I've humped my last couch up a stairway. -u/kylstorn88

9. Getting good at your work

Being older usually means you are at the top of your work game. With 20-plus years of experience, your income is usually higher and your expenses are lower. Your kids are launched and usually off of the family payroll and you have already managed to get immunity to the standard diseases, so you feel healthier. For me, the 40s were the best years of my life and I did not begin to lose strength and acuity until the early 80s. -u/Quirky-Camera5124

10. More control over your time

Being able to do absolutely anything I want with my time and with my days, freed from the time demands of others. Knowing myself well enough to disregard those who insist that constant involvement/busyness are essential to health and longevity. -u/OodaWoodaWooda