People who escaped a toxic relationship reveal the first red flag they should have noticed but unfortunately ignored
When it comes to relationships, a lot is revealed through experience and actions. The everyday things that happen between partners can account for how healthy their relationship is. Many people choose to ignore smaller negatives, assuming they'll eventually work out or get better. However, this ignorance costs them their time and heartbreak, eventually forcing them to get out of the bond. From habits, practices, likes, and dislikes, a lot can tell how well a relationship will work in the long run. Paying attention to these factors and acting accordingly can be a lifesaver for couples. Unfortunately, being overwhelmed by love, many people push these cons under the rug.
u/PestCemetary asked people to share such experiences they may have had. "People that escaped a bad relationship, what's the first red flag you ignored that would have saved you a lot of time if handled?" the post read. With over 4,300 responses, people called out several seemingly small habits that had a drastic impact on the relationship. While disrespect, selfishness, greed and lack of hygiene were common in most cases, people pointed out several other red flags that you should pay attention to if you are in a relationship. Take a look at them: