Rude customer starts abusing teen employee over a $6 disagreement — worker's savage response wins over the internet

The customer service industry is brutal and challenging, especially for young workers who often have to deal with unruly customers. But many of them also know how to deal with rude customers. Keke's Snowballs (@kekessnowballs on Instagram), a family-run business in Willis, Texas, serves shaved ice and a variety of desserts. They get countless customers throughout the year. However, an incident captured in the shop's security camera blew up on the internet when it was posted on Instagram. People praised a 17-year-old worker at the store for how she dealt with an entitled customer.

Kyle Ewald, the shop's owner, wrote about the incident on the shop's Instagram page and shared how their young worker was verbally bullied by an older female customer. "Today, at Keke’s Snow Balls, one of the sweetest employees you will ever meet was called a bi*ch by a customer," Ewalk wrote. "This lady came to our window immediately defensive without allowing our team to fully understand a situation that happened 2 days ago." The security footage blurred the face of the entitled customer who came to buy a snowball at the shop. She told the workers that she was going to pay for a snowball that her daughter was going to pick up later.
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A faulty communication and a change of shifts led to confusion with the customer. When the lady showed up to complain at the shop's window and demanded the $6 back, one of the teen girls decided to politely hand over her money. The teen did not argue any further and closed the shop's window. "When we refunded her money and closed the window, one of our signs fell, as it has many times before. The lady came back, pushed the sign, and called our employee a slur," Ewald elaborated in the post. "I am proud of the way our supervisor handled the situation. Many times, people will complain about businesses but we rarely have an opportunity to review customers who mistreat staff at any business." The Inside Edition reached out to Ewald and obtained more insight into the ugly situation.

The teen employee was identified as Kaeley who came in defense of another young employee named Victoria, realizing that the customer was in a mood to pick a fight. “Ma’am, please don’t act like that. You’re a grown woman,” Kaeley responded to the woman in the footage. “You’re a grown woman. I’m 17. Get out of here. Don’t come back. We don’t need your business.” Talking to the publication, Kaeley admitted that she was "scared and confused." Ewald posted the video to remind everyone that the people working behind the counters are humans too. “Mistakes happen. My whole point in uploading that video is to simply remind us all that we need to treat people better,” Kyle added.
The people who watched the video called out the female customer for acting rudely over $6 and supported the young girls for standing their ground. commented, "Incredibly mature response and major respect for you the owner to stand behind your employees this way! If I’m ever in the area, I will go out of my way to do business with you all!" @saradolll shared, "Those two did amazing! She handled the situation perfectly! Now will have to do a road-trip to visit this place!" @melosanoir applauded, "So proud of both young ladies! So sad to see an older woman show such little regard to a child with no receipt, mind you." @ivoneempadillos quipped, "Congratulations to the girls who even at a young age, had respect and education to deal with this situation! Congratulations girls, you shine!"
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You can follow Keke's Snowballs (@kekessnowballs) on Instagram for more videos about the shop.
This article originally appeared 3 months ago.