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Single mom of 3 saved man after tree fell on his car. When he decided to pay back, she had to leave her old house

The mom reached out in a dramatic rescue to save the man's life and in return, he thanked her with a life-changing gesture.
Cover Image Source: (L) Representative Image by Klaus Vedfelt | Getty Images; (R) Bryan Pederson | GoFundMe
Cover Image Source: (L) Representative Image by Klaus Vedfelt | Getty Images; (R) Bryan Pederson | GoFundMe

Kindness always pays back and it's an age-old theory that people have lived and experienced. The good that we do for someone, no matter how little, can come back more grandly and unexpectedly. When Veronica Marin, a single mom of 3, went out of her way to rescue Bryan Pederson during a dangerous accident, he wanted to pay back, per KHOU. However, while thinking of how to do the same, the man came up with the most wholesome and memorable idea. A tree had fallen on Pederson’s SUV and things would have been difficult had Marin not come to his rescue that day.

Representative Image Source: Glow Images
Representative Image Source: Glow Images

In a dramatic scenario, Pederson had just dropped his son off at hockey practice and right after his wife asked whether he was coming home, the accident took place. Marin, right at the spot, jumped in to help. “I see the tree fall on the truck. What impacts me is all the cars turned around, and in front of me,” Marin recalled. She had some “mother instincts” as she can call it, that drove her to reach out and help the man. With her 3 kids in the vehicle with her, she feared the man, too, might have been trapped with his children. “She reached in, undid my seatbelt, which I didn’t even think about, and grabbed me like she had done this a million times,” Pederson recalled. Immensely grateful for her life-saving help, Pederson wanted to do something for Marin in return but didn’t know how.

Representative Image Source:  Halfpoint| Getty Images
Representative Image Source: Halfpoint| Getty Images

“I was emotional and kept playing through my head, how do you thank someone who literally saved your life?” he recalled. He made a conscious effort to track Marin and ask her how he could thank and help her. The woman mentioned that she worked two jobs and still had a home that needed work to be done. Without further ado, Pederson posted a GoFundMe to help with financial aid for Marin. But, he still wanted to do even more. In a video shared by Braustin Homes, Pederson revealed the heart-touching gesture he had in store. While the GoFundMe was started so Pederson could raise money and help with repairing Marin’s home, he thought of something bigger. Contacting a real estate company, when they heard his story, they were glad to help. Instead of repairing the house, Pederson decided to surprise Marin with a new dream home.

Representative Image Source: Klaus Vedflet| Getty Images
Representative Image Source: Klaus Vedflet| Getty Images

Working excitedly for a few days on the process, they were quickly able to surprise Marin. With tears in her eyes, Marin revealed that she had been looking to get a new home but wasn’t able to afford it any sooner. She is beyond grateful to Bryan and the wonderful people who helped make her dream home a reality. “God is good all the time. I do this for Mr. Bryan without expecting anything in return. I am very grateful to God because he put me in that moment with him,” she remarked. Marin even received a “NOV Life Saving Award” from her workplace for her bravery and thoughtfulness. Bryan, on the other hand, had been transformed with the life-saving help he received. “It makes you want to be a better human being yourself, and that’s my goal right now. If we can at least help her out, it’s something my kids can learn from. They’re grateful I’m still here too,” he said.