Stranger saw blind man tripping and losing a shoe while boarding train — his response 'sent shivers down onlookers' spines'

Kindness and selflessness can cause the giver some inconvenience at times. However, the joy and satisfaction that comes after is worth it all. It takes courage, thoughtfulness and several powerful emotions to go out of one’s way to help. Going the extra mile for strangers is not everyone's cup of tea. A Reddit user, u/Samwiseknows, shared an experience they encountered while traveling by train. They were mesmerized by the selflessness of a stranger. The person shared how the stranger came through for a blind man after he lost one of his shoes while boarding the train and spectators were ignited with a ray of hope.

The post revealed that a blind man tried to get on a train at Kings Cross. Though he had assistance to get one, in all the chaos, one of his shoes fell off. “The man was being assisted by a TfL driver (Transport for London) to get on but as getting on the blind man tripped. A few of us on the train then helped the gentleman find a seat. Once the man sat down he realized he had a missing shoe. It slipped between the platform and the train,” the post revealed. Despite trying to caution the driver or stop the train for the man to retrieve his shoe, the train left. The blind man was perplexed, trying to figure out how he’d go about his day in the biting cold and route he had ahead of him. Noticing his distress, a stranger heroically stepped up without a second thought.

“This absolute hero without hesitation took off his shoe and gave it to the blind man. He didn't want thanks or praise, he simply did it. It is a damn cold day after he got out at Liverpool street to try and find a pair of shoes,” the post mentioned. The man became a saving help for the blind person adding so much help to his entire day. A chunk of humanity with a splash of kindness made a massive difference for the blind guy and the passengers. People, including the person who shared the post, were moved deeply by his good deed. They received an assuring example of the good that we need to give and the good that still exists. “When I saw this happen it sent a shiver down my spine,” the person wrote.
“I want to share this with other people and let them know there are incredible people in the world! The world is a good place, we all just need to do our bit!” the post concluded. Along with the story, a picture of this kind stranger was also shared. Seated calmly and unbothered as if it were a regular day, the man can be seen seated with no shoes on. u/MuddaFrmAnnuddaBrudda wrote, “What an absolutely brilliant thing to do. This man deserves full praise.” The user replied in a comment, “100% This dude did not even hesitate! No one on the train expected it.” u/joakim added, “Everyday hero, this guy!” u/Jules-22- remarked, “This! In a world full of negative stories, be this young man.” u/Low-CHallenge2827 shared, “Legend. Glad to see some people still have a sense of community.”