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Woman caught male co-workers commenting on her looks during work video call and gave them a savage response

The male co-workers had been making derogatory comments about the woman and when she spotted it, she had a fitting response.
UPDATED FEB 15, 2025
(L) Businesswoman planning strategy on video call; (R) Young businesswoman upset over male co-workers. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Left image by Morsa Images and right image by BartekSzewczyk)
(L) Businesswoman planning strategy on video call; (R) Young businesswoman upset over male co-workers. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Left image by Morsa Images and right image by BartekSzewczyk)

Gender equality and respect are considered necessary in today's time and are expected of everyone. However, there are still a few people living with a stereotypical mindset. People still experience gender discrimination issues and many women are targeted as inferior objects, especially in their workplace. When this stubborn handful of people refuse to change, they need to be called out and take responsibility for their actions. A woman named Whitney Rose @whitneyrose617 decided to do the same when she found herself dealing with a professional male vendor who was objectifying her. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Karolina Kaboompics
Woman talking on a work video call. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Karolina Kaboompics)

The woman explained that she was on an online call with a client and his male employees, who were part of the client’s team, when they accidentally shared the Teams chat with her, per TODAY.  To her disbelief, the chat read conversations that said “nasty” things about her. “I was on a call about to do a demo and that software vendor accidentally shared their group chat with me instead of sharing the demo that they were supposed to share. The group chat said some pretty unkind things about me and it just kind of went on from there,” she recalled. “It’s 2023, can this stop?” she wrote in her video.

Representative Image Source: Pexels|  KATRIN  BOLOVTSOVA
Businesswoman discussing work plan with employees on video call. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA)

One of the messages described her as an “effing bombshell,” which was completely degrading. Rose added that the vendor himself had sent “some of the worst” messages and as soon as they realized their acts were exposed, the vendor turned off his camera. “I am assuming that he needed to collect himself and figure out a game plan for himself. And the game plan that they had moving forward was, let’s just ignore this and not address it. And if I didn’t say anything, they weren’t going to address it with me,” she pointed out.

Addressing the situation, the woman called out the vendor and put him in his place. “First of all, if we’re going to be working together, I want to work with a woman sales representative because I don’t want to see the locker room talk about myself when you’re sharing screens,” she remarked. Rose clearly specified that due to their ruthless and unprofessional behavior, she was willing to go ahead with the deal as long as a woman employee was carrying out future interactions. “I just focused on breathing in, getting the words out clearly and calmly. I think as a woman in the workplace, we’re often labeled emotional. I really didn’t want them to be able to say that I was emotional in my response,” she said.

Image Source: TikTok|@brushmeoff
Image Source: TikTok|@brushmeoff

Image Source: TikTok|@nowitchatall
Image Source: TikTok|@nowitchatall

Trying to be patient and professional on her part, Rose mentioned that she wasn’t on board to see such things being said about her. “I like the product, I know it’s good, I just want to work with a woman if that’s possible,” she added. The man on the other end of the call finally spoke up and apologized for the rude behavior. He assured her that he’d arrange for a female employee to communicate with Rose and also acknowledged his unprofessionalism. “We can work on that, 100% understandable and that’s inexcusable. Regardless of whether it was a mistake while sharing the screen, it should be talked about, so apologies on that,” he said. @shelbskathleen wrote, “You handled this so well!” @dairygirlfitness applauded, “Way to call them out!”


It’s rough being a woman in a male dominated field 😬

♬ original sound - Looking Sharp


You can follow Whitney Rose (@whitneyrose617) on TikTok for more content on corporate lifestyle.

This article originally appeared 3 months ago.