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Woman has a bold response after her fiancé breaks a promise and buys a house with his mom instead of her

The fiancé explained that he needed to co-own the property with his mother because she 'didn’t want to rent anymore.'
(L) Person handing over house keys; (R) Couple having an argument. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Timur Weber)
(L) Person handing over house keys; (R) Couple having an argument. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Timur Weber)

When a couple plans a future together, major financial decisions are usually made as a team. But a 28-year-old bride-to-be, u/Intelligent_Half8061, was blindsided when she discovered her fiancé had secretly purchased a house–not with her–but with his mother. She took to Reddit to share her dilemma, explaining how this unexpected decision made her rethink their entire relationship. The woman and her 30-year-old fiancé had been together for five years, planning a wedding set for the fall. She wrote in her post, "[We] had been talking for YEARS about our future like kids, finances and buying a house together." 

Man and woman having an argument. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Alena Darmel)
Man and woman having an argument. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Alena Darmel)

The couple agreed to save for the right property, something they both loved and could turn into their home. However, she later learned that her fiancé had already purchased a house with his mother. She explained that he had never mentioned he was looking, and she was surprised to find out he had committed to buying a home with someone else. His mother had found "the perfect place" and persuaded him to split the purchase because she "didn't want to rent anymore," as her fiancé informed her.

A man holding a woman’s hand. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project)
A man holding a woman’s hand. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project)

Shocked by the situation, she asked how she fit into the decision. He responded, "Oh, well, you can move in too, of course!" She found the idea of living in a home his mother had chosen and staying full-time far from what they had envisioned. He also told her he had moved forward with the purchase because she was "taking too long" to save, and his mother had offered him a "faster way" to become a homeowner. She wrote, "I was so shocked and pissed, I told him I needed space. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized I can’t marry someone who thinks this is normal." She ultimately decided to call off the wedding.

The woman faced backlash from his family, who claimed she was being "dramatic" and that "it’s just a house." Even her own parents thought canceling the wedding over this was extreme. But she couldn’t shake the feeling that this was a "giant red flag." People on the platform overwhelmingly sided with her decision, viewing the situation as an issue of trust and priorities in a relationship. u/Shai7809 wrote, "He didn't tell you, he didn't include you and he just expects you to live with his mom. You're an afterthought."

Image Source: Reddit | u/No-Turnover2469
Image Source: Reddit | u/No-Turnover2469

Image Source: Reddit | u/Visual-Lobster6625
Image Source: Reddit | u/Visual-Lobster6625

u/shammy_dammy added, "He's chosen who he wants to live with...and it's not you. Your parents are not the ones who will be living with her. And why are you not blocking your ex's family?" Many agreed that she had dodged a major problem before it was too late. u/mommy2pk said, "You two are not compatible and want different things in life. Better to find out now than after the wedding." u/Ok_Advisor_9716 pointed out, "He did it so you will never legally get it. Glad you called off the wedding. You escaped." u/Moonlight_vixen1 shared their own experience, saying, "Living with mother-in-law? Been there and done that, and I still have the scars. Don't do it. It'll always be her house, not yours."