Move over New York and Indiana, this city has been named America's best place to buy an affordable home

The housing structure in the US has not been the best in terms of rates. Affordability and productivity are almost an impossible combination to find when looking for homes in several cities. New York and other cities have been known to have good housing scores in terms of living. However, there is one city that tops the list and is the new spot to look to make you a proud homeowner, per Forbes. Forbes Advisor compared the 100 largest cities in America with available data on affordability, education, lifestyle and others. It was shocking to find New York, Indiana and other cities pushed down in the list by Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

“For those feeling a little depressed about the state of the housing market in the US, it’s not chaos everywhere. There are isolated pockets of places that still remain relatively affordable from a national perspective,” commented Ralph McLaughlin, a senior economist at, per CNBC Make It. While Alabama, New York and other cities have a great housing score between 70-90 (out of 100), they have been left behind by a far margin by Pittsburg. The city has baffled many with a perfect score of 100, making it an apt place for a dream home. This score has been mainly assigned thanks to the rates and the specifics the city has to offer. Starting at a median price range of $236,067, it is very close to the ranges of New York and other cities with much more terrific offerings. It has the second-lowest ranking for housing cost as a percentage of income, at 14.8%.

To people looking for good homes, it is an ideal option. The reason for the slow growth of price rises comes predominantly from the moderate population in the city. “We are seeing inventory continue to pile up. We’re seeing homes move much slower than they did over the last few years and we’re seeing sellers cutting prices,” McLaughlin said. However, to people seeking to buy homes at an efficient rate, this is good news. Being one of the largest metro areas, one can expect to find much bubbling in the city. Pittsburgh ranks fifth highest in the system per 100,000 good households and has several options to pick from. To add to this, the school and education needs for home shoppers with kids are top-tier.

The lifestyle, community vibe, extracurricular activities and more are all well arranged in the city and have vivid categories to suit different personalities and interests. For those with a tight budget, this is an excellent area to browse. Right from arts, culture, dining and several other factors, all fit comfortably well in Pittsburgh. The iconic Primanti sandwich and the Point State Park are among the attractions and specialties you would cherish, per The Daily Mail. The best part about this area is that it has many options to explore, which makes it ideal for different shoppers in the housing market. Fort Wayne, Indiana and Buffalo, New York come second and third on the lists with a housing score far from Pittsburgh, at 88.99% and 87.88% respectively.