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Woman revealing she's the kidney donor to a loved one is an emotional rollercoaster

The woman had kept it a secret that she was testing to be a donor for over a year and when she broke the news, it was a surreal moment.
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock Project
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock Project

Doing acts of kindness anonymously sparks a joy that compares to no other. There is something heartwarming about doing a good deed quietly, without seeking any recognition. A woman named Alyssa Lalmond (@alyssa_lalmond) mentioned that her mom too, had done such a deed and kept it secret. Lalmond’s mom became a kidney donor for her sister-in-law’s father, Bob. She recalled that her mother had been undergoing tests for approval for over a year and kept it a secret in case things didn't work out.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| SHVETS Production
Representative Image Source: Pexels | SHVETS Production

As it turned out, when Lalmond's mom got the approval, she wholesomely revealed it to the family. The mom planned a surprise to deliver the news and the man was caught off guard. Standing with a chart that read, “I’m your donor,” the mom stood patiently outside the house by the pool waiting for the family to arrive. “I’m going to tell Bob I’m his kidney donor,” she said excitedly.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Askar Abayev
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Askar Abayev

As soon as Bob opened the door, he was stunned by what he saw. The man was caught off guard and had no idea how to respond. He simply covered his mouth in a silent yet grateful gasp and stood in shock. As the rest of the family members came out, they were equally taken aback. Yelling in disbelief and breaking into tears of joy, the members were unsure how to thank Lalmond’s mom. As Bob was shaking with joy and relief, he walked over and shared the most thankful embrace with his donor. The atmosphere was filled with only tears and exclamations of joy. “A year, a whole year,” one of them exclaimed.

“My mom is the most amazing and selfless person. She kept the special secret for more than a year. I love how thoughtful she is, I am beyond proud to be her daughter,” Lalmond wrote in her caption. The woman (@hpellerin), who is presumably the sister-in-law, wrote in a comment, “I love you all so much! Thank you for doing this for my dad, it makes me cry every single time!” People loved the pure and heartfelt scenario and couldn’t help but share compliments and encouragement to Lalmond for her mum. Many were moved to tears at the selflessness and love they experienced through the duo. @maine207dialysis added, “I just got on the transplant list and this makes me want to bawl! So happy for you!”

Image Source: TikTok|@chelseybanker
Image Source: TikTok | @chelseybanker

Image Source: TikTok|@itsjustkatie.0
Image Source: TikTok | @itsjustkatie.0

@therapythoughtswithjb remarked, “Crying like a baby. Your mama is a hero!” @makayla306 exclaimed, “It was so sweet and amazing to see their reactions. Love you guys so much!” @bee.kk23 wrote, “That amazing part of her will be with him forever!” @jordynshadix said, “Donated to a 4-year-old girl 2 years ago and the feeling is truly amazing.” @meganlea3 noted, “You can see the relief in their souls.”

@alyssa_lalmond My mom kept a special secret for over a year. Im so amazed with how thoughtful she is. Im beyond proud to be her daughter. #foryoupage #donor #fyp ♬ Emotional Piano for the Soul (Inspirational Background Music) - Fearless Motivation Instrumentals


You can follow Alyssa Lalmond (@alyssa_lalmond) on TikTok for more content on family and relationships.