11-year-old writes letter revealing the ‘one thing’ she would like to give her mum—it has us in awe

Children have the most innocent hearts and minds. They often reveal what they think with no filters. They say what’s in their heart and sometimes, it turns out to be the most precious thing you’ve ever heard. Think about when a toddler called you beautiful or another kid found your job cool—sometimes, the simplest comments leave us smiling. A mom who goes by u/OdessyPop on Reddit was overwhelmed with joy when her 11-year-old kid revealed what was on her mind. The little girl wanted to express herself and thought it best to pen a letter to her mother. She wrote a short bit mentioning the “one thing” she’d like to give and it has us bawling.

“This is a letter my 11-year-old daughter wrote me a few days ago. I’m so lucky,” the woman wrote in the caption. She attached a handwritten note with broken handwriting, written in crooked lines but containing one of the most profound messages ever. “Dear mum,” the letter began with a heart drawn. “If I could give you only one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then would you know how special you are,” she wrote. The 11-year-old added a note of thanks for all her mum had done for her. It read, “Thank you for all the love and support.” She penned another thoughtful statement, “You go through so much but never show it.”

The little girl concluded her note by letting her mum know that she was enough and assuring her in the most heartfelt way. “I hope I’ve told you this over the last 11 years but if I haven’t, I love you the way you are,” she wrote. She signed off with another tear-jerking statement, “From the person who needs you the most, Sierra.” Several people were moved to tears seeing the reassurance the little girl gave with her touching words. u/FluckyU said, “Pretty clear sign you are a great mother. You are both incredibly lucky to have each other.” u/ChimkenNuggs added, “Wish you the best, you‘ve done exceptional. Core memory unlocked.”

u/practicalWitness769 remarked, “That is an incredibly high EQ letter. I’ve seen plenty of letters from kids to their parents saying they love them but this is so incredible for the age of 11. Validating your struggles, showing empathy and appreciation and making you feel seen. Just wow. This child will become an incredible human being.” Many were even reminded of all their mums and daughters. u/ChangLingmagoo wrote, “What a tender-hearted child. I'm lucky to have one too. Keep those notes close. You will need them on tough days.”
Others commented with the determination to thank their mothers after being inspired by the 11-year-old while others thought about their mothers who had passed away. u/crockpotloser19 remarked, “She means it!!! I wish I could still tell my mom this now as a 30-year-old! I lost her to cancer 4 years ago.” u/Jtg1960 said, “Absolutely beautiful. I would cherish this letter forever and my daughter.”