6-year-old found older cousin's artwork unattended and 'decided to help' - people now want to buy the hilarious masterpiece

The mind of toddlers is unfathomable. With so much observation and learning going on, it is next to impossible to tell how a toddler will react to any given situation. Often, they come up with the most bizarre and hysterical results in pursuit of helping. Nevertheless, they aim to give it their best shot in achieving the desired unhinged result, be it scribbling on the wall or destroying their room. u/IveMcFallen shared an unbelievably unhinged post on Reddit of how their 6-year-old cousin sister jumped in to help them while they were working on a piece of art. The result is something no Picasso could create and has people laughing their way to buy the same.

The post revealed that the person had started a sketch and left it unattended for a few minutes. Anyone who has experienced a toddler is aware that leaving them unattended with almost anything can lead to chaos or something beautiful. The case was the former this time. The sketch that the person started was that of a person. However, they had only completed creating the set of eyes. With intricate detail, shading and precision, the two eyes looked realistic and classy. It was a professional-looking piece that immediately changed its nature once the toddler got her hands on it.

Looking at the finished product, one can only hold their wit imagining how things went down. The creative tiny tot must have observed the sketch and realized that the eyes are missing a nose and mouth to accompany them. She decided to take matters into her own hands and selflessly complete the sketch for her sibling. With questionable yet confident skills, the girl drew a mouth and a nose and even a facial shape. The results? Two semi-circle outlines close together to resemble the nose. A crescent shape, upside down to resemble the mouth. The toddler went one step further and added a tongue to the mouth.
The face shape was made right next to each eye, making the person look like a hysterically disfigured egg. Along with these bizarre details, there were also pencil marks, indicating how many times the 6-year-old revisited her idea of drawings before a perfect finish. Several people poured in with sarcasm to support the humorous piece of art. u/WeNeedMoreDogs said, “It's going to take 3 hours to do the shading on the upper lip.” u/Spookystrike hilariously wrote, “Which part did the 6-year-old do?” Many were impressed with the silly effect the overall artwork gave and offered to even buy the painting.
u/Sea-Celebration8050 said, "It’s brilliant. Link where I can buy the print." u/tokninpanda added, "10+ years from now, this will be priceless. Is this for sale? I will buy it." u/spookybrain remarked, "I don’t think you realize that there’s probably a niche market because of its uniqueness and silliness. Your skilled parts validate the skill of the piece and your cousin’s addition make it something special." Several people edited the sketch too. u/MofiPrano added the sketch in a frame on a museum wall and said, “It honestly looks straight out of a modern art museum.” u/InevitableKoala6543 added, “Those eyes are so sad. It’s as if they knew exactly what was going to happen to the rest of the face.” u/anitasdoodles shared, “I’d get that framed. That’s an awesome collaboration!”