American woman forced to change her name after learning what it means in Australia

Different words and terms take different meanings based on which country you are in or what cultural background you are from. While a certain word may be a form of greeting in one place, it may be offensive in another. This also includes names of people which can take on a completely different meaning when they travel to another part of the world. A woman named Devon narrated how she had to change her name after moving to Australia from America. Ever since she arrived in Australia, the woman has documented several differences she observed between the countries. However, the difference in the meaning of her name undoubtedly came as a hilarious surprise to many.

As the American woman posted a video sharing her experiences in a new country, she started off by mentioning how the move altered her identity as well. “My name is Devon but I go by Dev now,” she remarked before sharing the reason behind the same. To everyone's surprise, she revealed that her name “Devon” translates to “packaged meat.” She added, “It’s similar to Baloney so yeah, I go by Dev now.” She then went on to explain the differences she observed including the type of footwear and beverages among other things. “So everyone wears slides. I feel like I'm the only one with 'thongs' - flip-flops - that have the little thing in the middle of your big toe. Everyone wears slides," she exclaimed.

She even noted other differences in clothing and attire, as well as the fact that “coffee is better in Australia.” “Everyone is named Lachlan, Felix, or Jack,” she hysterically pointed out and also found the way in which people present themselves, fascinating. She noted that the mullets, piercings, and mustaches in particular were quite a nice touch and also loved how “everybody is skinny, everybody has abs, everybody is tan.” “It’s just the norm here,” she remarked. Another shocking point she revealed was that many people are used to roaming around barefoot, especially in the metro. “The men like to get feisty and rowdy and overprotective of women,” she added.
While the woman made peace with the change in her name and went on to finish the entire video, people were baffled about it. People with names similar to hers couldn’t grasp the fact that their name was nothing but meat in Australia. A woman named Devin @weinerlotion wrote, “My name is Devin I didn't know that's what they called a type of lunch meat.” @devuncarmichael wrote, “My name is Devyn too and I never knew this.” @lill_sullivan sarcastically commented, “I imagine how your conversation starters go. ‘Hi, I’m Dev. Dev for Devon.’ ‘Oh Devon as in the lunch meat?’”

Some people did appreciate the video and the points mentioned by Dev and were motivated to take a trip to Australia or rather even move there. @mk7mandeh wrote, “Sounds like I need to move to Australia.” @leelzies agreed about the differences between America and Australia and said, “I also moved to Australia with my friends and this is hilarious!” @notsofrozenana exclaimed, “I think this is my sign to move back.”
You can follow Devon (@dhaless) on TikTok for more content on humor and travel.