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Athletes make clips showing why they 'didn't make it to the Olympics' and it's a laugh riot

Amateur athletes are sharing glimpses of their mishaps and bloopers and calling it the reason for 'not qualifying for the Olympics'
Cover Image Source: Representative Image- Getty Images | Photo by Mark Dadswell
Cover Image Source: Representative Image- Getty Images | Photo by Mark Dadswell

The Olympics season has begun and how! The new generation of Olympians aren't just good at their respective sports but even at creating content. From the USA gymnasts recreating the iconic Kanye West Speech to the Norwegian swimmer obsessed with the Olympics muffin, there's a lot of behind-the-scenes footage available. However, apart from these, one more trend is going viral on TikTok — the "Didn't make it to the Olympics" trend. This hilarious trend focuses on amateur athletes and the hilarious blunders they have made while practicing. Turning hysterical mishaps into comical videos, these professionals are ruling social media platforms.  

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Jim de Ramos
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Jim de Ramos

One of these athletes is a diver who goes by @zufranluvr on TikTok. She shared a glimpse of her performance and it was quite a yikes moment. The athlete approached the stand and continued to take her position to make a graceful dive. Just before the diver could land in the water, something went wrong and her position got all messed up. Instead of making a perfect landing, she landed flat on her belly in the water. “Unfortunately, I did not make the Olympic diving team 2024,” she wrote. Getting sarcastic in her caption she hilariously added, ‘Can’t understand why. Maybe next time!”


Can’t seem to understand why! Maybe next time!!!

♬ The Olympic Theme - Paul Brooks


The hilarious video was viewed over 7 million times with over 2800 comments. Taking a dig at her fall, @joandthejoose wrote, “I would have floated and played dead.” @allidemarcellis added, “That looks so painful, are you okay!?”

Image Source: TikTok|@correiamada_
Image Source: TikTok | @correiamada_

Image Source: TikTok|@rebelace17
Image Source: TikTok | @rebelace17

In a similar instance, Charlotte, a level 10 gymnast, who goes by (@charr.grwms) on TikTok, shared several glimpses of her going absolutely off track in her routines. Charlotte delivered a brilliant and energetic performance. However, before she could get to the finishing steps, an unruly mishap got the best of her, causing her to slip and fall evidently. “Really sad to announce that I was not selected to be in the Olympic team 2024. I’ll be back in 2028,” she wrote. 

The epic video caught a lot of attention with people flocking over the comment section. @stellfitz commented, “The way you just missed the bar is sending me!” @jimmybthedoodle exclaimed, “The fact that you went for the second flip has me dying.” 

In yet another instance, pole vault athlete Gabe Coaster (@gabecoaster) shared why he unfortunately "didn’t make the Olympics." He started with great energy but as he approached the setup with his pole, he somehow messed up and got hysterically rebounded by his own pole. Immediately falling to the floor as if he were rejected, Coaster gave up and hilariously played dead. Finding his video hilarious, @jamieley1 exclaimed, “Not the pole rejecting the jump!” @soniawithan_i added, “The lay of defeat!”

Talking about hysterical falls, one cannot miss Teva McCary's (@tevvamccary7) performance. The woman shared how she was giving it her all on the field among other competitors when she tripped on one of the obstacles and fell to the ground. McCary didn't want to give up and kept going but alas, it wasn't her day and she tripped yet again, embarrassingly throwing off the obstacle itself. "Unfortunately, I wasn't selected for the Olympics 2024 track team," she hysterically wrote. @ezeikels_escoto took to the comment section and wrote, "I can't stop laughing at the second jump." @oui.oui.baguette7 added, "Me in gym class." 

Adding to the trend, Grace Gamboa (@gracegamboa_) took to the platform to post her priceless high jump performance which resulted in a laugh riot. Gamboa ran to the stand only to go head-first into the soft surface instead of jumping over it. "Sad to announce I did not make it to Paris this year for high jump," she wrote. @hollig4 hilariously suggested, "Did you try going over the bar first and then the mat? That's how you win high jump." @el_jefe_pr added, "I think you invented a new sport, congrats." 

Several other athletes have also shared their hysterical experiences as part of the trend. With hundreds of videos, it looks like this trend is here to stay and entertain us with hilarious sports bloopers. But jokes aside, kudos to these athletes for such sportsmanship and spirit and for being cheerful despite their mishaps.