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Couple gets 'terrible' service at restaurant but still pays a $100 tip - there was a note for the server

Despite having to wait 40 minutes for a meal, a couple decided to tip $100 to their server - they had a reason.
Representative Cover Images: (L) Grash Alex| Getty, (R) John Smith| Getty Images
Representative Cover Images: (L) Grash Alex| Getty, (R) John Smith| Getty Images

The root of tipping culture has always been as a method or gesture to thank a person for their well-done service. Especially at restaurants, there’s a practice customers follow of giving a tip based on the service they’ve received, the better the service, even better the tip. However, in the case of Steven and Mackenzie Schultz, things were the opposite, per ABC News. The couple shared a post on Facebook about their recent dining experience. While they noted that the service was “terrible,” they also mentioned that they gave a $100 tip to the servers. Their reason behind the same takes the entire story to the next level. 

Representative Image Source: Getty Images
Representative Image Source: Dimensions| Getty Images

Sharing an image of the bill, Mackenzie noted, “Our service tonight sucked. Took 20 minutes to get water, 40 minutes for an appetizer and over an hour for our entree.” The couple shared that their service sucked and was “terrible.” It was added that the restaurant was often made fun of for its slow service. Despite noting their horrible experience, the generous couple added a $100 tip to their $66.65 bill. Revealing the reason behind the same, Mackenzie shared that they made the choice after a careful observation. “It was obvious that the issue was being short-staffed, not the server,” the post read. The couple saw the server struggling to wait for all the tables. 

Representative Image Source: JackF| Getty Images
Representative Image Source: JackF| Getty Images

“He was running around like crazy and never acted annoyed with any table. At one point we counted he had 12 tables plus the bar. More than any one person could handle!” she remarked. Mackenzie couldn’t help but watch the server give his best that day. She overlooked the service and negatives and focused on the hard work the server put in. “As I sat there and watched him run back and forth and apologize for the wait, I said to Steven... ‘Wow, this used to be us. Waiting tables. I don't miss it at all and I never loved that job. I did it for the tips,’” she recalled.

Representative Image Source: Mascot| Getty Images
Representative Image Source: Mascot| Getty Images

As a thoughtful gesture, the couple thought of doing something for the server considering he wouldn’t make much from tips that day, considering the service. They added the $100 to the bill along with a heartfelt note. It read, ‘We've both been in your shoes. Paying it forward." The couple walked out before the server could notice but he was immensely grateful. Having had a busy and average day at work, the server didn’t expect to receive such a gift. "That was super unexpected and really nice. I mean, it caught me off guard. I expected - I wasn't expecting that. A little misty I guess. I don't know, it was a very good ending to a really stressful night," he said.

The couple managed to turn what could have been a frustrating night into a kind and memorable one with a humane approach. Towards the end of her post, Mackenzie shared a beautiful reminder she got out of the entire situation. She wrote, “I'm just sharing this as a friendly reminder to think of the entire situation before you judge. And always always always remember where you came from.”