Lyft driver praised for A+ response to woman passenger asking if he's a 'white guy' who 'speaks English'

In a world where we all strive to be inclusive and kind towards each other, instances of racism and discrimination take us a few steps back on the path of development. A Lyft driver, James Bode, found himself in a similar situation while accepting a ride and he had a perfect response. He posted a video on Facebook of a customer’s racist remark on seeing him. When the woman recklessly commented on his race, the man taught her a major lesson in kindness. Bode stood his ground and didn’t let the people get away with their disrespectful remark.

“This happened tonight outside of Fossils Last Stand in Catasauqua. The ride was for a ‘Jackie,’” the Lyft driver wrote. He welcomed the customer warmly with a smile and waited for her to get in. Another man was accompanying her. As soon as she laid eyes on Bode, she immediately remarked, “Wow, you’re like a white guy.” Unable to understand what the woman meant, the driver asked her to repeat what she was saying. “Are you like a normal white guy? Do you speak English?” she asked. The woman made insolent expressions that seemed sarcastic.

The woman casually settled on the back seat and tapped Bode on his shoulder. While laughing, she apologized saying, “Sorry.” The rude remark pushed him to deliver an apt response. He politely asked her to get out of the vehicle. “I’m gonna cancel the ride. That’s inappropriate,” he remarked. The customer was baffled, pretending nothing was wrong and that the man was being pointless. “If somebody not white was sitting in here, what would be the difference?” he asked. The woman gave a dissatisfied look and responded, “Are you serious?”
The accompanying customer was no different. He immediately became ruthless with his words. “You’re a f**king a**hole. A piece of sh*t. I should punch you in the f**king face,” he threatened. Bode confidently reacted and let the customers know they were being recorded. “Yeah and you’re racist,” the driver remarked. The duo even yelled a few more racist slurs before they were out of the camera’s gaze. Bode ensured they got out of his car. Furthermore, he boldly told them off without fearing the man’s absurd threats.
“There was a police report filed (only because of the assault threat) not sure if that will do anything...if you make me feel uncomfortable, I will absolutely do the same, especially in my car or property. Yes, they were made aware I was recording, yes I have postings in my car indicating such,” he wrote in his caption. Bode is being lauded for his perfect response to racist customers. Ashlyn Matlock wrote, “You did a great job, I would have lost my shit.” Lindsay DeFillips added, “Good for you for standing your ground.” Janey Garcia remarked, “As you should! They can walk.” Johnny Alvarado said, “Not too many people stand up like that.” Tas Mi noted, “Thank you. People like that don’t deserve courtesy.”