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Man accidentally sends his 'progress picture for gym' to wrong number—the response he got 'kept him going'

A man took a mirror selfie after a gym session and accidentally sent it to a stranger — it led to a wholesome exchange.
(L) A man lifting dumbbells in a gym ; (R) Screenshot of a text message exchange | Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels | Ivan Samkov ; (R) Reddit | u/Hefty-Discount-4821
(L) A man lifting dumbbells in a gym ; (R) Screenshot of a text message exchange | Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels | Ivan Samkov ; (R) Reddit | u/Hefty-Discount-4821

Losing weight and attaining your dream body requires a lot of hard work and commitment. People hit the gym regularly, control their diet and often keep track of the changes in their weight and physique. Documenting the physical transformation through a bunch of mirror selfies always helps and that's what one man aimed to do. u/Hefty-Discount-4821 on Reddit shared a wholesome interaction between him and a stranger that was transformative in more than one way.

A man about to lift weights (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Victor Freitas)
A man about to lift weights (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Victor Freitas)

The man who had just started going to the gym stood in front of his bathroom mirror, snapped a picture of himself without a shirt on, and figured he was sending it to his own number. However, the picture did not reach its destination. The post-workout picture ended up in the message box of a stranger. However, instead of ridiculing the man who was miles away from attaining his dream physique, the stranger hyped the man. "Looking good, buddy. You have the wrong number though," the stranger replied. As soon as the gymgoer realized that he had sent the picture to a random fellow, he immediately apologized.

"I know. I was trying to send it to myself for progress pictures after the gym. The numbers were really similar and I feel really bad and embarrassed for sending you that. My bad," the man admitted his error. The stranger encouraged the gymgoer even more and wished him luck. "I expect an update when you get shredded," the stranger texted back as the man promised to remember their interaction. The gymgoer kept his word and after 4 to 5 months of rigorous workouts, there was a significant improvement in his physique. He stood in front of the mirror once again, snapped a picture and sent it to the stranger. "Hey, you told me to send you a picture when I get jacked. So 4 to 5 months later, here you go," the man wrote above his mirror selfie. 

A man smiling and looking at his phone (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Keira Burton)
A man smiling and looking at his phone (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Keira Burton)

Surprisingly enough, the stranger recalled their conversation as well, as they exclaimed in delight when they saw how the gymgoer had not only lost weight but was on his way to building a better physique too. "Dude, this is pretty inspiring. Keep it up! You just made my day," the stranger wrote back. The gymgoer thanked the stranger and revealed how it took him a lot of self-discipline to reach where he did. "I am glad I could make someone's day," the gymgoer concluded in his text. People rejoiced about the man's physical transformation and left positive comments about his wholesome interaction with the stranger.

u/JenJenMegaDooDoo remarked, "This is the best! I love it when humans are nice and encouraging to others. This made my day." u/Pawly519 commented, "This is hilarious and adorable at the same time. Love seeing that he stuck to it and followed up." No_Leather6310 added, "I guarantee him sending that wrong text and you saying you’d need an update was the only thing that kept him going sometimes. " u/absoluteScientific mentioned, "Guys being dudes. I would support a fellow man striving for self-improvement in the gym. 100/100 times." u/kareth117 added, "This is what we want when we say 'boys will be boys.' This is what that should be about. Nothing like teenage girls in high school or pushing kids around on the playground in elementary. This. All of this!"

Image Source: Reddit | u/panteragstk
Image Source: Reddit | u/panteragstk