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Mansplainer tells women C-section is 'easy and lazy' option, immediately gets a reality check

A man shared his controversial opinion about C-sections and moms who had gone through it couldn't help but redirect the perspectives.
Doctors performing a cesarean section in the operating room. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by ruizluquepaz)
Doctors performing a cesarean section in the operating room. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by ruizluquepaz)

A woman has to go through countless struggles during her pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum phases. Every part of it has its challenges and women deal with them as best as possible. Even when it comes to childbirth, women have to endure the conventional method or cesarean surgery based on their condition, each being extremely painful. When a man named Steve Turner shared his take on childbirth, calling the C-section an "easy and lazy" way, women across the internet, especially moms, took it upon themselves to make him aware of the reality. The man had made several comments in a thread on X, emphasizing that a C-section is always an “easier way of giving birth.” 

Diary showing due date for C-section delivery with baby shoes and ultrasound image. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Peter Dazeley)
Diary showing due date for C-section delivery with baby shoes and ultrasound image. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Peter Dazeley)

A woman, Cori George, had shared a screenshot of a comment Turner had made in a now-deleted post. It read, “You took the easy option of having a C-section. But that doesn’t make you a failure as a woman. I think that because a C-section is the easier, possibly lazier option, some people wrongly see it as women ‘failing.’” This comment riled up the emotions of several women, especially those who have gone through C-sections. George, being one of them, responded, “My twins were breech and one of them kicked his way through my cervix. Then I had an emergency c-section at 32 weeks, so we all wouldn’t die. They nicked a nerve during the surgery and it flared up for days and it hurt so much I passed out.” 

New mother standing together with her newborn baby after a C-section delivery. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Taras Grebinets)
New mother standing together with her newborn baby after a C-section delivery. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Taras Grebinets)

@NatalieWritesOn, in the comments section, added, “You are a phenomenal moron of epic proportions. Invasive surgery where fascia, muscles, organs, etc. are cut is not the f**king easy way out. Vaginal birth can be done in a living room. C-section requires an OR (Operating room) and a surgical team.” @DogMom2100 highlighted, “To laugh, pee, or poop without being in a lot of pain. And I had to take care and nurse a baby while I healed. Pregnancy and childbirth is never easy. Most women will say it’s worth it but a man can never truly know how very difficult it is. Do better.” However, Turner responded to the same saying, “It’s harder for men though, not physically but overall.” 



His comments caused every person who has experienced childbirth to recall the moment and render a response equivalent to what they felt. @BADGER1407 shared her experience, “I’ve had 2 emergency cesareans. Both to save the lives of my children and me. Layers of skin/muscle/tissue are sliced and internal organs move. I have issues with scar tissue and infection. How dare you claim they are the ‘easy way of giving birth’? This is pure misogyny.” In another comment, a woman, @shambalulu, tried explaining the intricacies of a C-section. While Turner agreed that there are always complications, he dropped a tone-deaf response, “I think one thing we can all agree on is that the real hard work is done by the doctors and nurses (and to a lesser extent the father, for providing much-needed support)”



The conversation continued in a heavy tiff between Turner’s persistent comments and women sharing their eye-opening experiences of going through C-section deliveries. They refused to let go of the comments made by Turner and carried on the debate with their vivid and painful experiences. The internet delivered the takedown that Turner deserved for being oblivious to the struggles a woman goes through during her pregnancy journey. 

This article originally appeared 3 months ago.