Mom has bold response to woman who was forcefully using her disabled toddler’s stroller at daycare

Although most people try to be civil towards strangers, sometimes a situation might make it really hard for a person to be calm. A mom who was picking up her toddler from the daycare found herself in a difficult dilemma with another mom. The woman had put her baby in her daughter's stroller and was refusing to give it back. So the mom was forced to put her foot down to deal with it. The woman, u/Abject-Shallot-7477, took to Reddit to share her story.

"I have a daughter who is 2 ½ and has Down syndrome. She is hypotonic and cannot walk yet (in progress). She goes to the daycare two days a week and she's the only one in her unit who cannot walk," the mom began. She added that because her daughter weighed 27.5 lbs, she couldn't carry her in her arms anymore. It was also because she was suffering from a "weak shoulder and lots of joint problems." The mom wrote, "There's a dedicated space at the entrance of the daycare where you can leave your stroller for the day." When the mom returned to pick up her daughter at 5 PM, she noticed a half-asleep boy in a red stroller that looked exactly like hers in the lobby. To her amusement, she couldn't find her stroller in the storage.
"I ask the mother if she borrowed the stroller from the storage and she says yes, her son is tired and she won't need it for long. Her car is on the other side of the parking lot and she doesn't feel like carrying her son. I tell her it's my stroller and I need it. She suggests I accompany her to her car and she gives me my stroller back there. Nope, won't happen," the woman recounted. "We are alone in the lobby (units are behind closed doors) and she won't take her (now asleep) son out of my stroller and of course, I won't touch a child who's not mine." The mom was flabbergasted when the mom started pushing the stroller all of a sudden.
The woman, ignoring the mom's demand, started pushing the stroller towards her car. "No way! I put my foot on the stroller's brake and block her. She must have seen I was out of patience because she took her son and went away, still cursing," the mom shared. People in the comments section were in total support of the mom. u/hemkersh wrote, "Add your name to the stroller with a difficult-to-remove tag to help you in any future disputes. But, wow. Such entitlement. Even without the fact that you needed the stroller for medical reasons doesn't mean she can borrow your stroller without permission and then refuse to return it when you asked."

u/LiveIndication1175 commented, "I’m glad you put your foot on it so she couldn’t take it. I would have done the same. I’d let the daycare know that this lady is helping herself to the storage closet as well, who knows what else she feels she has a right to use." u/Notlikeyou1971 remarked, "The day care needs to be told not to allow anyone but your daughter to be in the stroller. This Prima Donna had no right to just help herself to your property. I can't stand entitled people."