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Mom has powerful response when older woman calls her 'selfish' for not having a second child

The mom didn't hold back when the woman thoughtlessly downgraded her choice of not having another child.
(L) Elderly woman standing sternly. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by SHVETS production), (R) Woman affectionately cuddling only son. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Vlada Karpovich)
(L) Elderly woman standing sternly. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by SHVETS production), (R) Woman affectionately cuddling only son. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Vlada Karpovich)

Parents have the right to choose whether they wish to have children or not. Whether they wish to get pregnant, how many children they have and how they raise them is all up to the couple. While others may have opinions and views, they have no right to demean people for their choices. u/SawScar112013 shared in a post that when a woman insulted her for not having another child, she had a top-notch response to render. An older lady began ranting about how another sibling is necessary for a child and people are applauding her bold response. 

Mom caressing only son affectionately. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Yan Krukau)
Mom caressing only son affectionately. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Yan Krukau)

The woman was headed to urgent care and came across another elderly woman. “This morning I went to urgent care and got there right before they opened to hopefully minimize the wait time,” the post read. The lady started making small talk with the woman and “asked if I enjoyed the snow last week.” The woman made a mention about her son and noted that he enjoyed the snow more than everyone else. The woman then began enquiring about the mom’s family and asked whether she had another. “She asked about my other children and I told her I just had my son, there were no other kids,” the woman recalled.

Elderly woman ranting. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by RDNE Stock Project)
Elderly woman ranting. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by RDNE Stock Project)

The elderly woman was dissatisfied with the response. “She went on a rant that I was horrible and selfish for not giving him any siblings,” the post mentioned. She had ridiculous reasons for why a child should have a sibling. “She said he’d grow up to be spoiled and awkward because he didn’t have sibling interactions,” the mom said. Immediately, she decided to hit her back with a response to her careless remarks. She said, “I then told her that I had to have an emergency hysterectomy when he was born due to my uterus rupturing and didn’t really have a choice on whether or not he would get siblings.” 

Woman boldly responding to another person seated ahead of her. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Edmond Dantès)
Woman boldly responding to another person seated ahead of her. (Representative Image Source: Pexels| Photo by Edmond Dantès)

Ashamed by the turn of events, the elderly lady stared speechlessly for a few seconds before turning around, ending their conversation. Several people called out the lady for her heartless and thoughtless words without even asking the reason behind the mom’s choice. Others noted that the mom was right in her place to boldly state her response and that parents should be allowed to make their choices irrespective of physical issues. u/DriftlessHang wrote, “You know, it takes zero effort to mind your own business, yet people continue to screw it up.”

Image Source: Reddit|u/coeurdelapin
Image Source: Reddit|u/coeurdelapin

Image Source: Reddit|u/laughter_corgis
Image Source: Reddit|u/laughter_corgis

u/yasdnil1 added, “Why do strangers feel like they have the right to any opinion of someone's reproductive system?” u/runawayforlife remarked, “I’m so mad at that woman for you. What right did she have to say anything about how many kids you have? You don’t even know her!! Is her opinion of only children based on her own behavior? I assume the only way she became so entitled with such horrible interpersonal skills is that she must be an only child herself! This just grinds my gears. Good for you for shutting her up!”